DECODE - July 17, 2023
“xAI is further proof that we will continue to see advancement at a rapid pace
Bases Loaded for Major League Baseball's European Expansion (Adweek)
As the renowned adage goes, "Content is king," and in the world of sports marketing, it reigns supreme. Major League Baseball recognizes this truth and is leveraging captivating content
Which agencies are leading the charge in embracing the potential of AI
Geopsychology: Your Personality Depends on Where You Live (Big Think)
Ever pondered the intriguing connection between personality traits and different regions? Geopsychology holds the key. By delving into the fascinating realm of geopsychology, we gain invaluable insights into human behavior that can fuel tailored strategies
How Office Control Freaks Can Learn to Let Go (Harvard Business Review)
In today's fast-paced and dynamic workplaces, traditional control-focused management approaches are becoming outdated. The article sheds light on the transformative power of letting go and entrusting teams with autonomy
Johnny Cash singing?'Barbie Girl' just hit N. 1 on Billboard.?
xAI early adopterswill receive a free ride on SpaceX.