Declutter your thoughts
I was organizing my room today and I realized as long as I let go off what is not serving me I cannot add new things or even add things that I feel are necessary for me today. In a flick of moment I realized how much of that is true for our thoughts, mind too. Over the years we accumulate so much thoughts, ideas and impressions do we actually take time to clean it sometime.
I couldn't wait to call out what it can mean to us 'Decluttering our mind' - making space for new experiences, new positive impressions, giving things a new start. Just the idea of that amazes me.
Say we hold a lot of kites in our hand and one by one we start releasing it, let it fly up in the air and then disappear.. how does it feel? Do you feel liberated ? How does it feel to not captivated by the thoughts of constraints and limitations carefully stored and pampered over the years?
So how do I declutter.. Simple, as you do your shelves take one rack at a time, go through each one of it and see does it serve it you. Does this belief serve me, does this memory serve me well, does this incident remind me of someone's shortfall, why am i holding on to it? Pick up one at a time and let go. As we let go, we let in new experiences, a fresh air and slowly the same old garden starts looking different, the same old leaves give a new meaning.
"Minimalism helps us to identify what we consider most important in our lives and the things we value the most so we can eliminate clutter and reduce the “noise” in our environment, both physically and mentally"
The same concept of minimalism can apply to our thoughts. If you have a limited storage what memories will you pack, what experiences you will cherish, what all you will let go.. think of it!