Declutter and save money
Decluttering can bring inner calm and make your home easier to manage, but do you know that it can also save you money?
When cupboards are in a mess it is difficult to see what you have and so it is highly likely that you will go out and buy things again. Duplication wastes money; decluttering saves it.
Here are our top tips to save money by decluttering.
Groceries, toiletries and cleaning products
1. Check food cupboards regularly so you know what you have and you won’t go out and buy things you already have in stock. This is especially true if you buy items in bulk. After decanting some of the product into a handy contained to keep to hand, it is tempting to store the larger container at the very top or back of a cupboard, and then they can be forgotten so try not to tuck things into inaccessible places; out of sight can mean out of mind and lead to waste.
2. Make sure you keep an eye on sell-by dates. It is helpful to put newer items to the back of the fridge or cupboard and bring older produce to the front. If you eat things in date order you will be less likely to find yourself throwing food away.
3. After a shopping trip, empty all your shopping bags and put the items away where they belong. At Carefully Sorted we have numerous examples of clients finding items they thought they had lost or forgotten to buy at the bottom of old shopping bags.
4. Group items together and use them one at a time before opening or buying new ones. This is really important for toiletries and cleaning products. Working in a client's kitchen recently we found four lots of ice bags - including one from a supermarket which ceased trading eight years ago!
Wardrobes and chests of drawers
- Decluttering your wardrobe and making sure the clothes you keep are stored neatly and tidily means they will last longer.
- Invest in some new hangers. Wooden ones are good for coats; wire ones should go. For shirts, tops, dresses, etc. we like the slim, velour-covered hangers because they are space-efficient and the coating means silks and fine fabrics don't slip off.
- Hang long items such as maxi dresses and evening wear on the left of the wardrobe and shorter garments on the right with everything in between graduated according to length. This looks good - and maximises space in the bottom of the wardrobe too.
- Careful folding helps. Look on line and learn the latest folding techniques. They save space and keep your clothes neat. We find this particularly good with jeans.
- If your wardrobe is tidy, and you can see what you have at a glance, you will be able to mix and match what you have and get greater use out of your separates.
- You won’t buy duplicates of clothes you already own, something we have often come across quite often with clients.
If you are struggling to deal with clutter and want to create space, why not consider bringing in professional help? We think you’ll be amazed at the difference we can make.
Carefully Sorted is proud to be a member of The Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers (APDO)