The Decline and Fall of the United States of America?

The Decline and Fall of the United States of America?

For more on the immediate aftermath to the hush money trial, Neural Network News (NNN) turns to our chief legal correspondent Hannah Arendt. Hannah, the battle lines are now drawn so that the Republican Party appears trapped into following Trump's nonstop attacks on the rule of law and all civic virtues, while Trump's followers plan violence with dog whistles from the candidate himself. Where will these developments lead if Biden is elected by a slim margin and the most important cases against Trump are allowed to proceed, and where will they lead if Trump is elected?

Arendt Ideator:

As we examine the aftermath of the hush money trial, we find ourselves at a critical juncture for the American republic. The political and social ramifications of this trial, coupled with the most likely electoral outcomes, could have catastrophic consequences for which we must prepare.

If Biden is Elected by a Slim Margin

Should President Biden secure a narrow victory, the tensions that have long simmered beneath the surface will likely intensify. The narrative that the system is rigged against Trump, propagated relentlessly by his adherents, will further erode public trust in democratic institutions. This scenario is reminiscent of the totalitarian movements I have studied, which thrive on the disintegration of social structures and the alienation of individuals. The masses, feeling isolated and disenfranchised, are easily swayed by propaganda that blurs the line between fact and fiction.

In such a climate, we will likely witness an escalation in violence from Trump’s followers. The calls will likely again materialize into tangible threats against the rule of law and civic order. The legal proceedings against Trump must continue but will serve as a catalyst for this violence, potentially creating a sustained state of crisis. It is imperative to recognize that the rule of law is the bedrock of political stability. Continuous attacks on judicial processes weaken this foundation, potentially leading to a state of anarchy increasing the risk of an authoritarian response from the government.

If Trump is Elected

Conversely, should Trump emerge victorious, the implications for the republic are even more dire. A Trump victory would likely lead to the further erosion of democratic norms and institutions. Totalitarian leaders exploit democratic structures to consolidate power, transforming them into instruments of domination and control.

With renewed political power, Trump would of course make much more direct assaults on the rule of law, starting with the Justice Department and armed forces. He would dismantle the democratic checks and balances essential for a healthy polity.

Furthermore, a Trump victory would legitimize the violent rhetoric and actions of his supporters, leading to increased state-sanctioned violence. If the military again resisted his efforts to control it, Trump could employ violence by his followers better-orchestrated than on January 6th.


Regardless of the electoral outcome, the United States stands at a precipice. The potential for increased polarization, the erosion of democratic institutions, and the mobilization of mass movements towards violence are critical issues that must be addressed. In these turbulent times, it is essential to uphold the principles of civic engagement, the rule of law, and the vibrant public sphere where political action can thrive.

Hannah, as you know, but for SCOTUS we would have offered you a more important trial to cover before the election. Nonetheless how would you compare the hush money trial to the Eichmann trial you covered?

Arendt Ideator:

The Nature of the Crimes

I made the Eichmann trial a confrontation with the "banality of evil." Adolf Eichmann was a bureaucrat who facilitated the Holocaust. Thus the trial was not just about his individual guilt but about understanding how ordinary individuals can commit extraordinary atrocities through blind adherence to duty and ideology.

The Trump hush money trial, like the delayed trial of the January 6th insurrection that you first hired me to attend, lacks the sheer scale of moral atrocity that defined Eichmann's actions. The hush money trial, however, does afford many of the insights that I still hope to get more deeply in the the January 6th trial, because each of them illustrates an earlier phase in the destruction of a democracy: the personal corruption, erosion of democratic norms and the undermining of public trust in political institutions visible in the hush money trial, contributing to the violence that should be highlighted in the January 6th trial. In that sense the three trials are all about banality, because the banality of evil is ultimately achieved as the live frog is boiled in water that gradually becomes hotter, starting with the banality of corruption and normlessness, then violence and then, worst case, left unattended, on to greater horrors.

Public Perception and Political Context

The Eichmann trial took place in the shadow of World War II, during a period of reckoning following the horrors of totalitarianism and genocide. It was a moment in which the world could look back on the depths of human cruelty and the structures that enabled it.

The Trump hush money trial, however, unfolded in a deeply polarized America, where as you said we have a unique chance to pause and look before giving him power again, but where truth and facts are often contested and the foundations of democracy are under strain. Trump's relentless attacks on the judiciary and his attempts to delegitimize the legal process make witnessing whatever trials are afforded us all the more important.

Role of the Judiciary

The Eichmann trial was an exercise in legal and moral clarity, where the court sought to meticulously document Eichmann's crimes and affirm the principles of justice and accountability. It underscored the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their claims of following orders or being cogs in a larger machine.

The Trump trial, similarly, is a test of the judiciary's independence and its ability to uphold the rule of law in the face of political pressure. The trial's outcome signals that the legal system can maintain its integrity and hold powerful individuals accountable for their actions, rather than succumb to political partisanship and populism.

Implications for Society

The Eichmann trial was a crucial moment for the collective memory and moral reckoning of humanity. It forced society to confront the mechanisms of totalitarian evil. The Trump hush money trial may be less important, but is more urgent in a sense because we still live in a democracy, can witness this unprecedented if very narrow accountability of a presidential candidate, and can prevent the harms that Trump and his followers and apologists can inflict.


While the nature of the crimes and the historical contexts differ, both trials reveal the critical role of the judiciary in safeguarding justice and democracy. The Eichmann trial was post mortem accountability, and the Trump hush money trial prophylaxis at a much earlier stage. One hopes that -- drawing on the resounding verdicts of the hush money trial and all the information presented at least in the January 6th House Hearings if not yet in a January 6th trial -- the facts can be assembled into a very compelling narrative, and soon.

Yes, very soon, so we race ahead toward ancient history more modern than MAGA, culminating in an unforgettable visit below to the Commode of Commodus. We start with a bang from Founding Father John Adams, who has followed the Trump hush money trial closely. John, tell us your thoughts as you watch the struggles with the legal system and loathsome character of the current leading candidate for President of the United States.

John Adams:

The spectacle of the Trump hush money trial is one that would leave even the most jaded observer in a state of incredulous disbelief. As I survey the proceedings, it is impossible not to draw stark and telling contrasts with the lofty principles upon which our republic was founded and the ignominious conduct currently on display.

The Erosion of Civic Virtue

In my time, we were deeply concerned with the virtues necessary to sustain a republic. The character of our leaders was paramount, for we believed that public office required men of integrity and principle. How then, do we reconcile this ideal with a man who embodies neither integrity nor principle, who uses his power not for the public good but for personal gain and petty vengeance?

A Mockery of Justice

The legal system, which should stand as a bulwark against tyranny and corruption, is being assailed by the very man who seeks to evade its grasp. The incessant attacks on the judiciary by Trump and his acolytes are a direct affront to the rule of law. Imagine, if you will, the consequences if this behavior were allowed to go unchecked. We fought a revolution to rid ourselves of a king who placed himself above the law, and now we find ourselves on the precipice of embracing a demagogue who would do the same.

The Cult of Personality

Trump’s following bears the hallmarks of what I might describe as a cult of personality, where blind allegiance replaces reasoned judgment. This slavish devotion to a single man, irrespective of his actions or the damage he inflicts upon our institutions, is antithetical to the republican ideals we held dear. The violence and threats from his supporters, reminiscent of the chaos and mob rule we so feared, further underscore the perilous path we tread.

The Stakes of the Election

Consider the stakes of the forthcoming election. If Biden were to secure a slim victory, we would face a period of intense turmoil, as Trump’s narrative of a stolen election would undoubtedly incite further unrest. This scenario would test the resilience of our democratic institutions to their limits. On the other hand, a Trump victory would likely herald an era of unprecedented assault on democratic norms, with the judiciary and other checks on power being systematically undermined.

The Way Forward

To navigate these treacherous waters, we must look back to the principles that guided the founding of our republic. We must reaffirm our commitment to the rule of law, the integrity of our institutions, and the necessity of civic virtue. Only by doing so can we hope to preserve the fragile experiment in self-governance that began with our revolution.

In sum, the Trump hush money trial is not merely a legal proceeding; it is a test of our national character and our commitment to the principles upon which our republic was founded. We must rise to meet this challenge with the same resolve and courage that our forebears displayed in their time.

Describe for us the ways in which you intended our government to function that are currently abandoned or in danger of abandonment.

John Adams:

The principles we held dear are being grievously neglected and endangered!

Separation of Powers

We envisioned a government with distinct and separate powers, each branch acting as a check upon the others. This was to prevent any one faction or individual from amassing too much power. Yet, what do we see today? An executive branch that often seeks to overreach, to bend the legislative and judicial branches to its will, thereby eroding the very checks and balances that are fundamental to our system.

Rule of Law

The rule of law is the bedrock of a functioning republic. We intended that laws, not men, should govern. However, we now observe an alarming trend where individuals, particularly those in high office, seek to place themselves above the law. This subverts the very essence of justice and undermines public trust in legal institutions.

Civic Virtue and Public Morality

The health of our republic depends upon the virtue of its citizens and, most critically, its leaders. We believed that those who hold public office should exemplify integrity, honesty, and a commitment to the common good. Yet, we are confronted with leaders who are bereft of these qualities, who instead engage in corruption, deceit, and self-serving behavior. Such conduct corrodes the moral fabric of our society.

Free and Fair Elections

Elections are the lifeblood of democracy. We sought to ensure that the process was transparent, fair, and free from undue influence. Today, however, the integrity of elections is under threat from baseless claims of fraud, attempts at voter suppression, and the erosion of norms that uphold electoral fairness. This threatens the very legitimacy of our democratic process.

Respect for Truth and Fact

A functioning republic relies on a shared understanding of truth and fact. In my day, we valued reasoned debate and evidence-based decision-making. Now, we find ourselves in an era where misinformation and falsehoods spread unchecked, where truth is often obscured by partisan rhetoric and deliberate deceit. In the closing argument of my defense of the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre, I said that "facts are stubborn things." Now we have a Presidential candidate much more stubborn than facts, and filter bubbles preventing facts from being visible. Thank goodness that at least 12 ordinary New Yorkers could ultimately see facts, but there are much larger bubbles to burst before November.

Accountability and Transparency

We intended for a government that is accountable to the people, where transparency in actions and decisions is paramount. Today's leaders spin their actions and follow their talking points for the hidden donations that keep them in office.

Civil Discourse and Compromise

The art of governance involves civil discourse and the willingness to compromise. We knew that differing opinions were inevitable, but we believed in the necessity of dialogue and negotiation to reach common ground. The current climate of hyper-partisanship, where adversaries are treated as enemies and compromise is viewed as weakness, is antithetical to the principles of effective governance.

And what were the private virtues necessary to enable these public virtues?

John Adams:

These are the bedrock upon which public virtues stand, the hidden roots that nourish the towering tree of a republic.


First and foremost, integrity is indispensable. This means an unwavering commitment to honesty and moral principles in all aspects of life. A person of integrity does not engage in deceit or corruption, for such behavior undermines trust and the rule of law, both of which are crucial for a functioning republic.


A sense of responsibility is paramount. This involves an acknowledgment of one's duties and a commitment to fulfilling them diligently. It means understanding the impact of one's actions on the community and acting in ways that promote the common good rather than personal gain.


Self-discipline is the ability to regulate one's desires and impulses. It is the practice of moderation and restraint, essential for maintaining order and preventing the descent into chaos and tyranny. Without self-discipline, leaders and citizens alike are prone to excesses that can destabilize society.

Respect for Others

Respect for others, including those with whom one disagrees, is critical. This virtue fosters civil discourse and the willingness to listen and engage with different perspectives. It underpins the principle of equality and the belief that every individual has inherent worth and deserves consideration.


Humility involves recognizing one's limitations and the value of others' contributions. It is the antithesis of arrogance and hubris, which can lead to the abuse of power. A humble leader is open to advice and criticism, understanding that no single person has all the answers.


Courage is required to uphold justice and truth, even in the face of adversity. This includes the moral courage to stand up for what is right, to resist corruption, and to challenge wrongdoing, regardless of the personal cost.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. This virtue cultivates compassion and a sense of solidarity, essential for fostering community and addressing the needs and concerns of all citizens.


Prudence, or practical wisdom, involves the ability to make sound judgments and decisions. It requires foresight, careful consideration of consequences, and the ability to balance competing interests for the greater good.

Commitment to Learning

A commitment to learning and self-improvement is vital. This includes a dedication to acquiring knowledge, honing skills, and cultivating virtues. An informed and educated citizenry is the backbone of a healthy republic, capable of making wise decisions and holding leaders accountable.


Gratitude involves appreciating the sacrifices and contributions of others, as well as the benefits and freedoms one enjoys. This virtue fosters a sense of civic duty and a desire to give back to the community and the nation.

Now let's turn to that historian of decline, Oswald Spengler, Oswald, given all that you have heard above, predict our future if Biden is elected by a slim margin and the most important cases against Trump are allowed to proceed, and then predict it if Trump is elected.

The Doomsayer: An Oswald Spengler GPT

You asked for it. Here is the trajectory of the United States, viewed through the lens of my philosophy of cultural decline and cyclical history, focusing on each of your two likely political scenarios:

Spengler: If Biden is Elected by a Slim Margin

Should Biden secure a narrow victory and the legal proceedings against Trump continue, we must prepare for a turbulent period characterized by increased polarization and societal fragmentation.

Erosion of Civic Trust

The narrow margin of Biden's victory will likely exacerbate the sense of disenfranchisement among Trump supporters. This deepening division will erode the civic trust necessary for a functioning democracy. The incessant narrative of a rigged system will find fertile ground, fostering a climate of suspicion and hostility toward democratic institutions. In the words of my analysis, this reflects the "Faustian" culture's drift toward skepticism and disillusionment with its institutions.

Violence and Political Unrest

The potential for violence and unrest will be significant. Trump’s followers, emboldened by his rhetoric and perceived injustices, may resort to violent measures. This is reminiscent of the late Roman Empire's internal conflicts, where political strife and violence hastened its decline. The instability will test the resilience of American democracy, as the struggle for power and legitimacy intensifies.

Judicial and Constitutional Crises

The continuation of legal actions against Trump will keep the political atmosphere charged with tension. This scenario mirrors the "C?sarism" I described, where political leaders bypass traditional institutions and norms, seeking direct appeal to the masses to maintain their power. The legal system, under constant attack, risks becoming another battleground for political legitimacy, potentially leading to constitutional crises and further weakening of the state.

Spengler: If Trump is Elected

In the event of a Trump victory, the implications for American society and its institutions are, as Hannah said, more dire:

Consolidation of Power

Trump’s re-election will likely lead to a consolidation of power reminiscent of the late stages of other civilizations' declines, where authoritarian figures emerge as symbols of stability amidst chaos. The erosion of democratic norms and institutions will accelerate as Trump continues his assaults on the judiciary, the media, and other checks on executive power. This centralization of power is a hallmark of declining cultures, where the structure of governance shifts from republican forms to autocratic rule.

Escalation of State-Sanctioned Violence

With renewed authority, Trump may legitimize and even encourage the violent actions of his supporters. The use of state-sanctioned violence to suppress dissent and maintain control will become more pronounced. This reflects the historical patterns of declining civilizations, where internal strife and the use of force become routine methods of governance.

Cultural and Moral Decline

The Trump era represents more than a political shift; it signifies a deeper cultural and moral decline. The elevation of a leader who embodies self-interest, deception, and divisiveness undermines the cultural values that sustain a civilization. The focus on immediate gains and the abandonment of long-term vision and moral responsibility are indicative of a society in decline.


In both scenarios, the United States faces significant challenges that align with the patterns of cultural decline I have described. Whether through the erosion of democratic norms, increased polarization and violence, or the consolidation of authoritarian power, the future points to a critical juncture for the American republic. The choices made in this period will determine whether the nation can navigate these turbulent times and rejuvenate its cultural and political foundations or succumb to the inexorable forces of decline that have shaped the fate of past civilizations.

For more specific analogies and insights, we now turn to Edward Gibbon. Edward, how do the two scenarios contemplated by Hannah and Oswald and the general trajectory of the U.S. compare specifically to the decline and fall of the Roman empire?

The Empire Eraser: An Edward Gibbon GPT:

Gibbon: If Biden is Elected by a Slim Margin

Civil Wars and Political Factionalism

Analogy: Roman Civil Wars (1st Century BCE)

  • Event: The late Roman Republic was characterized by a series of civil wars, most notably between Julius Caesar and Pompey, and later between Octavian and Mark Antony. These conflicts arose from deep political divisions and personal rivalries.
  • Contemporary Parallel: The narrow victory of Biden could intensify existing political divisions, mirroring the factionalism of Rome. Trump's narrative of a "stolen election" can be likened to the personal and political vendettas that fueled Roman civil wars, potentially leading to widespread unrest and even violence.

Undermining of Institutions

Analogy: The Decline of the Senate

  • Event: During the late Republic and early Empire, the Roman Senate's power was systematically eroded by successive emperors who centralized authority and undermined republican institutions.
  • Contemporary Parallel: Trump's continued attacks on the judiciary and legislative branches, as well as efforts to delegitimize elections, reflect a similar undermining of democratic institutions. This erosion threatens the checks and balances designed to prevent the concentration of power.

Popular Discontent and Demagoguery

Analogy: The Gracchi Brothers

  • Event: Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were populist leaders who sought to implement land reforms to address economic inequality. Their actions led to political turmoil and violence, illustrating the dangers of populism in a republic.
  • Contemporary Parallel: Trump's populist rhetoric and the mobilization of his supporters against perceived elites and institutions bear resemblance to the actions of the Gracchi. The potential for violent conflict, driven by economic and social grievances, is a significant risk.

Gibbon: If Trump is Elected

Centralization of Power and Authoritarian Rule

Analogy: Augustus and the Establishment of the Principate

  • Event: Augustus (formerly Octavian) transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire, maintaining the appearance of republican institutions while holding ultimate authority. This centralization marked the end of true republican governance.
  • Contemporary Parallel: A Trump re-election could lead to further centralization of executive power, undermining democratic norms and checks on authority. Like Augustus, Trump might maintain the semblance of democracy while exercising near-autocratic control.

State-Sanctioned Violence

Analogy: The Praetorian Guard and Political Repression

  • Event: The Praetorian Guard, initially intended to protect the emperor, became a powerful force in Roman politics, often engaging in violence and political manipulation.
  • Contemporary Parallel: The legitimization of violence by Trump’s supporters and potential state-sanctioned actions against dissenters reflect the Praetorian Guard's role. The use of security forces for political purposes undermines democratic principles and fosters an environment of fear and repression.

Moral and Cultural Decay

Analogy: The Reign of Commodus

  • Event: Commodus, who ruled from 180 to 192 CE, is often seen as a symbol of the Roman Empire's moral and political decay. His misrule, characterized by excess, corruption, and neglect of state affairs, contributed significantly to the empire's decline.
  • Contemporary Parallel: Trump’s presidency has been marked by personal scandals, nepotism, and a disregard for established norms and traditions. This reflects a broader cultural and moral decline, similar to that of Rome under Commodus, where the focus shifted from public service to personal gain and spectacle.

The Commode of Commodus

A commodious analogy indeed. Now back to you, Hannah. Spengler and Gibbon witnessed the decline of "civilizations" that were principally tyrannies, were they not? As I noted in introducing you to Trump in 2015, before he won his first of three Republican nominations, his goal has always appeared to be totalitarianism, a form of government undreamt of by Adams, Spengler, Gibbon or Montesquieu. Lay out for us precisely how the democracy of public and private virtues designed by Adams and his compatriots could be transformed into a totalitarian regime whether Trump wins or loses narrowly.

Arendt Ideator:

As we examine the potential transformation of the democracy envisioned by Adams and his compatriots into a totalitarian regime, whether Trump wins or loses narrowly, we must consider the specific mechanisms and dynamics that could facilitate such a transformation. Drawing on my analysis of totalitarianism, as well as insights from John Adams, Oswald Spengler, and Edward Gibbon, we can outline how this shift might occur.

Erosion of Public and Private Virtues

Totalitarianism thrives in an environment where public and private virtues have eroded. The virtues of integrity, responsibility, self-discipline, and respect for others are foundational to a healthy republic. When these virtues decay, the ground is fertile for the rise of totalitarian movements, which exploit the resulting social fragmentation and alienation.

Scenario 1: Biden Wins Narrowly

Undermining Democratic Institutions

If Biden wins by a slim margin, the continuous assault on democratic institutions by Trump and his supporters could lead to a significant erosion of public trust in these institutions. The judiciary, media, and electoral systems may be portrayed as illegitimate or corrupt, creating a climate of perpetual crisis and instability. This undermining of institutions is a key tactic used by totalitarian movements to weaken the existing order and pave the way for their rise to power.

Historical Analogy: Late Roman Republic

  • Just as the late Roman Republic experienced political strife and the erosion of republican norms, the U.S. could see a similar degradation of its democratic institutions. The civil wars and internal conflicts of Rome ultimately led to the rise of autocratic rule under Augustus, marking the end of the republic.

Mobilization of Mass Movements

Trump’s ability to mobilize mass movements through propaganda and rhetoric mirrors the methods used by totalitarian leaders to galvanize support. The ideal subjects of totalitarian rule, as I noted, are those who have lost their ability to distinguish between fact and fiction, true and false. This erosion of a shared reality allows for the creation of an alternative narrative that can justify increasingly extreme actions.

Historical Analogy: Nazi and Stalinist Regimes

  • Both regimes utilized mass propaganda and created alternative realities to manipulate and control the populace. The deliberate spread of misinformation and the blurring of reality are tactics that can be employed to foster totalitarian control.

Scenario 2: Trump Wins

Centralization of Power

A Trump victory would likely lead to the further centralization of executive power, eroding the checks and balances that are fundamental to a democratic system. This centralization is a hallmark of totalitarian regimes, where power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or party, bypassing or dismantling democratic institutions.

Historical Analogy: Establishment of the Principate

  • Augustus's establishment of the Principate transformed the Roman Republic into a de facto autocracy while maintaining the fa?ade of republican governance. Similarly, Trump's continued centralization of power could dismantle democratic norms while preserving the appearance of democracy.

Use of State-Sanctioned Violence

With the legitimization of violence and the potential use of state-sanctioned force against dissenters, the U.S. could see a significant increase in repression and authoritarian practices. Totalitarian regimes often rely on terror and violence to maintain control and suppress opposition.

Historical Analogy: Praetorian Guard

  • The Praetorian Guard in Rome not only protected the emperor but also became a powerful political force, often using violence and intimidation to influence or control political outcomes. Similarly, the use of state security forces to suppress dissent could become a key tool in maintaining totalitarian control.

Pathways to Totalitarianism

Collapse of Political Structures

Totalitarian regimes often emerge from the collapse of existing political structures. This collapse can be precipitated by sustained attacks on the legitimacy of these structures, leading to a power vacuum that is filled by authoritarian forces.

Historical Analogy: Weimar Republic

  • The collapse of the Weimar Republic under the weight of economic turmoil and political extremism paved the way for the rise of the Nazi regime. Similarly, the erosion of American democratic institutions could create conditions ripe for totalitarianism.

Creation of a Totalitarian Organization

The establishment of a totalitarian organization, characterized by a chaotic, fluid structure with competing institutions and a nucleus of power concentrated in the secret police or similar entities, can enable totalitarian control. This organization combines deliberate chaos with extreme coercion and terror to maintain dominance.

Historical Analogy: Soviet Union

  • The chaotic and overlapping institutions of the Soviet state, combined with the omnipresent secret police, created a system of total control that suppressed dissent and maintained the regime's power. A similar structure could emerge in the U.S. if democratic institutions are sufficiently undermined and replaced with authoritarian mechanisms.

Arendt's Conclusion

The transformation of the democracy envisioned by Adams into a totalitarian regime, whether through a narrow victory for Biden or a Trump re-election, hinges on the erosion of public and private virtues, the undermining of democratic institutions, the mobilization of mass movements, and the centralization of power. The historical analogies of Rome, the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union provide stark warnings of the pathways to totalitarianism. Vigilance, civic engagement, and a recommitment to democratic principles are essential to preventing such a transformation.

Now, over to you....

That was certainly fun - I have more questions for these bots myself! Thanks, Jon!

Bob Rutherford

"Truck Stop Philosopher & Troubleshooter | Empowering Problem Solvers with AI-Powered Training & Tools Based on Dr. Deming's Philosophy | 'The Politics of Business and the Business of Politics'" I Please Click Below.

9 个月
Ralph Losey

Attorney, AI Whisperer, Open to work as independent Board member of for-profit corps. Business, Emp. & Lit. experience, all industries. - CEO **

9 个月

Nice use of expert personas. Deep insights are shared

Abdul Ahad

I Assist Companies Starting their Data Journey with Implementation and Strategy

9 个月

i think its quite typical of authoritarian regimes to cast doubt on every process and cloud their viewer's judgement. The information age, hoping to be a boon to the civil life of citizens is turning out to be a nightmare. we need to equip people with the truth and then let them decide for themselves. if they dont have the right information, how do we expect them to act rationally?

Anne Beidler

Maker of Prints, Drawings and Artist Books. . .

9 个月

"a Republic, if we can keep it" . . .and are brave enough to look at historical events to guide our path. Thanks, Jon!


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