Declare war on Insecurity

Declare war on Insecurity

Some brilliant, talented, fabulous, eloquent, gifted folk shine dimmer in order to service the insecurities of the insecure

Liberate beauty, brilliance, excellence and greatness out of the jaws of insecurity.





Recently I have been pondering on what is insecurity, what did Marriane Williamson mean when she said “there is nothing enlightening for me to shrink so that you do not feel insecure” in her poem titled OUR GREATEST FEAR IS NOT THAT WE ARE INADEQUATE. So I paged the dictionary and this is what I found; insecurity is ‘uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence, self-doubt, diffidence, unassertiveness, timidity, instability, nervousness, shakiness, unease, vulnerability or feeling threatened’.

My personal belief is that insecurity is often caused by the feeling of inadequacy in an area of life one values highly.


This is the characteristic often associated with dangerous animals in the world. Most animals are lethal when threatened or are feeling vulnerable.


This through the above observation and my life experience I have come to a conclusion that insecurity can be extremely heinous. I am tempted to even go as far as stating that insecure folk are amongst some of the most dangerous people around.

Allow me to elaborate.
Insecure people have a tendency to run when nobody is chasing, they are paranoid. To them things are never what they are, there is always something sinister about every action. They are quick to jump to conclusions and often times the wrong ones. They easily judge others buy their actions and judge themselves by their intentions.

They are often self-absorbed and are incapable of affording others the same dignified attention. They often define themselves mostly about who they know rather than who they are. They are quick to pull rank in order to get their way.

Insecure people find their value and security in painting others bad in order that they appear good; often times struggling to see the good in other people. They feel threatened when others are praised, erroneously misconstruing other peoples receipt of praises as an attack on their capabilities or gifting’s.

Through research and the study of human history you can conclude that if it wasn’t for all the insecure people in our world this world would have been a far greater place, organisations would be far advanced, churches would be far more influential and leadership in all forms would be light years ahead.

You see insecurity dates back to the early medieval days of Adam and Eve when Cain killed Abel simply because God was more pleased with his offering/gift. Cain was insecure and envious.

Our world today is full of bitter ‘Cains’ on the hunt for all the ‘Abels’ who through their talents, abilities, brilliance and looks somehow expose their inadequacies.

Jewish Joseph’s brothers tried to destroy Joseph because of their insecurities. Jewish King Saul tried to kill David because of his insecurity.

Even when Jesus was born thousands of toddlers were killed by an insecure king who was threatened by the reported birth of a new king.

Great leaders have been assassinated because of others insecurities.
Today these same insecure people are still in the business of character assassination.

My advice is that if someone close to you has a predisposition of talking others down proportionately more than lifting others up run for the hills and if they keeping peddling stories of which they are neither part of the problem or solution flee from such. It’s only a matter of time that, you will soon be a victim of their venom. As soon as you start progressing in ways that threaten to expose their inadequacies they will be ready to pounce on you like a lion pounces on a helpless springbok.

Insecure people find it awfully near impossible to complement someone who they consider a rival.

In the fight against insecurity I challenge you to be a lover of excellence. Appreciate those more gifted than you. Rather aspire to be like them rather than bring them down.

You will be surprised to realise that your success is closely tied to and is dependent on their excellence and success. For more on this  read
Where would Joseph’s brothers be without Joseph’s excellence? Where would Saul’s offspring be without David? Where would the world be without Jesus? Where would America be without Martin Luther King Junior? Where would SA be without Nelson?

The truth is that we need brilliant people; the enemy of greatness is insecurity.

Our inspiration and success is hinged on our ability to selflessly acknowledge and appreciate greatness, talent, excellence, brilliance whether we like the people or not. We need to be ready to allow somebody else to outshine us. Always keeping close to consciousness that there is always someone that is greater or lesser than ourselves. We need to constantly resist the bitter and vain mind-set of constantly comparing ourselves with others.
Some Davids are hiding their potential due to the looming threat of assassination by the insecure Saul. Some brilliant, talented, fabulous, eloquent, gifted folk shine dimmer in order to service the insecurities of the insecure.

Racism, tribalism and sexism finds its meaning and expression on insecurity.

While on your way to the mountain top accept that some folk will hate you just because you have the proverbial ‘coat of many colours’.

When this is happening don’t conceal your light because; one day that might be your biggest regret. When the creator of the universe asks you what did you do with the talent He gave you.

If you hide it, you will be called wicked.

So this is your licence to shine bright like a supernova, its bigger than you.

The world continues to crave the best you.

Best Wishes,


Teresa van Zyl

Service Integration Manager at Vodacom National Facilities

8 年

This was truely a good read and inspiration.


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