Today's devotional is from The Leadership Walk: Devotions for Leaders of Today and Tomorrow
"With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught" - Luke 1:3-4.
Today's two verses give insight into how Luke decided to write his gospel. Obviously, the Holy Spirit inspired him, but notice how naturally Luke described the decision-making process. He was a scientist so Luke conducted research and determined to produce an orderly account of Jesus' ministry. Theophilus had commissioned this work, and Luke set as his objective the confirmation of what his reader had been taught.
All the while, however, God was directing Luke's path in a most natural way, using Luke's skill, past history, gifts, and professional training to accomplish His will. Leaders should expect God to use and move on them in the same way when they make decisions, in a manner that utilizes their gifts, experience, and purpose.
LEADERSHIP STEP: Are you facing a decision of any magnitude as a leader? Then follow the same process today that Luke did 2,000 years ago. Start out by understanding who you are and what you do best. Consider from where or whom the opportunity is originating. Do some research and consult with others. Get clear about the objective you have in mind as you make the decision and then trust that the Lord has been guiding you through your thoughts and the circumstances at hand.