Decisions and Destiny: Exploring the Role of Choice in Shaping Our Futures

Decisions and Destiny: Exploring the Role of Choice in Shaping Our Futures

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

This quotation from Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist, perfectly captures the core of the decisions and choices we make in life. Everything that happens to us, is somehow associated with what choices we make in our past.

It's mandatory to understand that what profession we want to pursue is bound with other related decisions such as choosing the stream in tenth standard that will go hand in hand with the associated profession, which college you are going to take and so on. So your one choice is going to affect your hundred others. Your complete life is about choices that you have made, your life can be totally different just by choosing the other option presented to you. So you are the one who is responsible for the things that are shaping your life. One day at a time, one stroke at a time, one choice at a time—we can create a new image of ourselves. At every point of time, we are in a dilemma to choose the one, and by pausing to reflect, weighing the benefits and drawbacks ahead, and having faith in ourselves, we can all become better decision makers.?

However, if we ever make poor decisions, just admit it and move on from your error. Each error you make improves your experience and positions you for future success. Enjoyment is the essence of life, therefore acquire the skill now before it's too late.

"Life is a sum of all your choices." - Albert Camus
"The choices we make dictate the life we lead."

written by


Web Content Writer at BISJHINTUS

posted by

Sahithi Kuppili

Social Media Intern at BISJHINTUS

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