These are not the decision-makers you're looking for.
Closing a deal means talking with a decision-maker.
Okay, cool, so how do you find one? In B2B, it can be tough. And often you'll find yourself chatting up a prospect who won't be able to get you anywhere.
It's time to get to the bottom of how purchasing decisions are really made (hint: it's not necessarily "buying committees," despite what you've been told).
The Lusha team will be joined by Brian Burns (the mastermind behind the popular podcast The Brutal Truth About Sales & Selling) to explore how you can find out who's the most influential player in an organization -- and how you can connect with them.
If that sounds like something you want to know, join us for our webinar on Wednesday, June 21st at 11 AM ET.
Lusha you must be a faceless and heartless organisation that deems it fit to hide behind a mask and cause untold pain on unsuspecting people. Where are your ethics and moral forebearance? Please get your CEO to make a formal apology to me and publicly too for the unashamed and unspeakable pain you have caused me.