Deciphering Data Engineering and Analytics Engineering Acronyms
Deciphering Data/Analytics Engineering Acronyms

Deciphering Data Engineering and Analytics Engineering Acronyms

When it comes to modern data working, data science, data engineering, and analytics engineering so many tools, concepts, and methodologies have spun up over the last decade. Sometimes all this jargon seems like it is spun into a spider web of confusing consonants and acronyms only for those technically initiated. But alas giving meaning to meaning is important.

So, as a process of getting back to the basics and educating the uninitiated here is a short list of some popular abbreviations/acronyms every data worker and technology leader should know:

A Few Generally Data-Related Acronyms/Abbreviations Definitions

DWH = Data Warehouse

DW = Data Warehouse

DLH = Data Lakehouse

ETL = Extract Transformation and Load

ELT = Extract Load and Transform

DB = Database

RDBMS = Relational Database Management System

OLTP = Online Transaction Processing

OLAP = Online Analytical Processing

Data Lake = Data Lake Storage (aka Object Storage)

Blob Storage = Object Storage

DevOps = Development Operations or Developer Operations

DataOps = Data Operations

CI = Continuous Integration

CD = Continuous Deployment

CI/CD = Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

DIM = Dimension

TBL = Table

GPT = Generative Pre-Trained Transformer

AI = Artificial Intelligence

GAI or GenAI = Generative Artificial Intelligence

ML = Machine Learning

KPI = Key Performance Indicator

SRC = Source

TGT = Target

RAW = Raw (typically for raw data)

ACID = Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

Did we miss one that is general or commonly used and not vendor specific?

Some of the more popular definitions in data engineering, analytics engineering, data science, data working, and machine learning seem like they are found in daily conversation. While others, potentially less technical, may seem like a Rosetta Stone is needed to decipher these acronyms.??

While above may be a short list, rest assured that it will continue to grow, as technology in the data space continues to evolve.?

Check back here as a helpful resource for you to share and stay abreast of how the best data workers in the world talk about data and analytics.

Ritchie Saul Daniel R

Data Engineer | Tailwyndz LLC

6 个月

Thanks for posting these Acronyms related to data engineering, as knowing key acronyms is essential. I just wanted to add an another important one which is ACID: - Atomicity: Ensures transactions are all-or-nothing. - Consistency: Maintains database integrity. - Isolation: Keeps transactions independent. - Durability: Guarantees data remains after a commit. Understanding these principles is crucial for any data engineer to manage and process data effectively.


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