Decide who you want to become...
This quote was huge for me. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE. From the point of reading this quote, I decided it really was up to me.
... and become her as soon as possible. - Stacey Boehman
It was not an easy path.
Don't you feel that way? I mean a "decision" is not a one-time thought we act on. A decision is not a moment of epiphany and clarity. A decision IS NOT a light-bulb moment, to be flipped on when we need it.
That thought though - is blissful. I get a little gitty at the thought that THAT might be out there in my grasp. You know the flip of the switch for my next level.
But the truth is, journey is a part of the decision.
It's waking up one day thinking... there has got to be more to life than the one I have now.
It's walking into your place of employment thinking... how did I get here. At this place I thought I wanted.
Or maybe you’re thinking, wow - it worked! I got the money goal I set for myself! Thank you....!!
But, I am not as happy as I thought I would be. NOW WHAT!!
Well, I've got something for you. You're thinking, but of course I do!! It is for a high cost however...
your time. But it will be well worth it! I will show you my new process for goal setting. It will blow your mind.
I have not found anything as easy to access ANYWHERE. And trust that I had been looking for over year. And it finally dawned on me to create this for you.
What is it? Mindfulness and meditation all universal and non-religious approach but definitely spiritual. It is either for you or it is not for you. So, if this is not your jam, it’s not. But, is your prayer life working for you. Is your time at the computer, wracking your brain over what to do working?
Give this a try. Take it seriously and over practice & time you will see results. On that note. If you cannot take it seriously. DO NOT DO IT.
I have had clients smirking, uncomfortable but by the end of a decision to give it a whole-hearted try – they are always amazed at the results.
One young woman could not get over giggling a little at the start, she finally calmed enough through the set-up process and was in tears by the end.
But, no worries, that was her personal experience. This is not meant to have you crying! But you WILL be clearer than you ever have been.
- Easy access to how to prepare for goal setting
- How to begin your process (after a short time you will be able to bypass this one)
- Next level in envisioning
- How to maintain the flow of habit to the point of craving the next one to come
- Scripting for the vision
- Set the inspired action to take place
Go to my Facebook page let's become "friends" or if that's to much to soon... LOL. Head over to Youtube and find me there.
Starting next Monday we are launching a series of videos with THAT RIGHT THERE! See you in Facebook (or YouTube) :-D
#goalsetting #niche #findmyniche #howtofindaprofitableniche