Decentralized Thinking
Dr. Caesar J's Digital Management periodicals
My twentieth article in Series I of DeepTech matching summary outlines
April 2024
My twentieth article in Series-I on Deep-Tech is the one before last before moving to Series-II, it matches DeFi Decentralized Finance with Design Thinking. In keeping with the same Kashyou Super-App context as started since my Series-I August 2023 Article, the obvious and overarching digital business opportunity answer is in decentralizing the KashYou #superapp. This Article is a node in the blockchain of Digital Business Opportunities Series-I. We cannot separate the content of my Articles from the KashYou super-App project. Design Thinking adds creativity from the other brain hemisphere onto the traditional product design. If we are introducing #decentralizedfinance it will be an additional layer on digital business opportunities that had preceded. The #designthinking method is as omni-present as the #5G in this endeavor. For sure both of these two #deeptechs would add value to the KashYou project. The first thing that comes to mind in this Article’s construction is that when introducing #DeFi the topic becomes Regulations, next crypto, then DeFi debt and, finally DeFi fund raising, that is in case we choose to limit the number of creative digital business opportunities to only four.
a)???? When we read decentralized, we think DeRegulations. Deregulation makes life easier for both the KashYou Users and the technology service provider, and the digital business opportunity in maximizing #DeFi becomes very relevant because #designthinking dictates that the beacon is the customer journey Empathy when trading on the marketplace, given security and trust. KashYou will have to be #decentralized in the design thinking method of empathy, personae, ideation, iteration, and in agile product life cycle management.
The #customerjourney is inversely related to #regulations. The Empathy for the customer journey and the #UX will be maximized by more decentralizing. The territorial regulation and or deregulation is the corner stone for designing the whole solution platform. Providing the #Defi choice for KashYou is in itself a business opportunity.
Ideation comes from #empathy. We change hemispheres into creativity. This is the heart of the matter. The DeFi opportunity is declinable throughout this Article, some of which had been mentioned in previous DeFi x EmFi matching in the December 2023 Article[1] and I am trying also to avoid redundancy with my next, and final Article on #Web3 matching with #EmFi.
The real #DesignThinking digital business opportunity is in the #DeFi Products. Will a DeFi business wallet make sense? It will serve both the marketplace merchants and ride on the existing core banking FinTech features. This specific digital business opportunity use case is a typical outcome of the #deeptech design thinking matching effort.
The target #Personae is key in #DesignThinking, same as the Security in #DeFi. The biggest digital business opportunity for KashYou would be the Persona of the Small Office | Home Office, SOHO. Too small, costly, and complicated for traditional financial services providers and regulators on one hand and will maximize the use of the provided Products above on the other, therefore most lucrative for KashYou.
b)??? The easiest #DeFi element to introduce into the platform is crypto Currency, but then which flavor and why? The declinations can start from merely accepting crypto, moving on to issuing #stablecoins, to minting KashYou coins, up to enabling the KashYou marketplace’s tenants merchants to mint their own coins. These flavorings can be road-mapped to maximize on the digital business opportunity and UX of each according to the #designthinking method.
Accepting crypto is the easiest #DeFi engagement, and still profitable for KashYou. Nowadays, accepting crypto has become part of any traditional payment gateway since #USDT is being widely accepted. This demand pull did not require any #designthinking, credit goes for those who were ready before the customers requested it, they would have started benefiting from this digital business opportunity.
In its current setup, KashYou is crypto-ready for Issuing KashYou #stablecoins. A fully digital solution with trading activity is the typical use case for a coin issuing enterprise. This is an obvious business opportunity that will facilitate transactions within the KashYou ecosystem, a pegged #stablecoin is a low #designthinking hanging fruit, but the real #DeFi potential is in the floating value of the KashYou coin. More below.
All the #DeFi ingredients are present for the digital business opportunity of Minting Kashyou coins. The #DesignThinking challenge will be on whether it would be on an open or closed blockchain and what type or brand of blockchain. The KashYou coin would be very helpful for the KashYou ecosystem. The principal barrier would be paradoxically the regulations. Regulations preventing KashYou getting deregulated. Also, more on this opportunity further below.
Were regulation to tolerate DeFi, the bold and audacious digital business opportunity for KashYou is Enabling minting. I cannot qualify it as the ultimate business opportunity because I am sure it will not stand the test of time. But the nice thing about it is to upgrade the KashYou marketplace from a traditional digital marketplace to a marketplace of self-minted money, literally a money printing machine. This #defi opportunity is a typical example of the #designthinking creativity brain hemisphere ideation process.
c)???? Credit and Lending on blockchain and based on crypto is possible when buying and selling is performed on the same KashYou theater, with complete economic cycle AI capture of the trading operation: from before payment to after payment covering everything in between. The digital business opportunity of benefiting from credit revenues is visible. On one side, the individual and business KashYou wallets are being used to purchase from the KashYou marketplace. The #DesignThinking will develop this feature into a #DeFi opportunity. Again, within the regulatory landscape limits.
Lending requires regulated financial licensing, the advantage of the Buy Now Pay Later BNPL or Pay by 6, x8, and similar products is that they do not require financial licensing. Reports show that this digital product is not as profitable as the direct lending. The #DeFi advantage is in the digital business opportunity of #designthinking the business model with a focus on the #businesswallet feature within the KashYou ecosystem.
The biggest customer segment in terms of revenue potential are the SOHO small businesses; therefore, in terms of DeFi lending, the DeFi Business lending would be the digital business opportunity in terms of #designthinking. Business lending cannot be done when not financially licensed, unless through the #DeFi channel. Lending is by and large the highest income generating financial service.
Once the Go DeFi design thinking decision is taken, it will become very easy to implement Crypto lending. The digital business opportunity is in the decision to go deregulated based on a #designthinking approach. Next would be lending in KashYou #stablecoins only. The volatility of the non-stable coins does not help in the #DeFi lending decision and it is fully understandable.
The fourth related digital business opportunity under #DeFi lending is P2P Crypto lending. This is a highly lucrative and low risk service, the Users will lend each other in KashYou coins based on the KashYou AI credit rating and scoring engine, that also includes ChainAnalysis AI for blockchain transactions. Each #P2P operation lender will apply her / his / its own risk appetite. The #designthinking added value is throughout the whole borrower and lender journey processes.
d)??? The fourth and last selected digital opportunity chapter is that of Fundraising. Again, this opportunity is declinable to four under DeFi and #designthinking. Unlike Lending in the chapter above, we are now way beyond regulations. The four selected opportunities declinations are: to allow investments in #DeFi under the Wealth functionality, to monetize proof-of-stake or proof-of-work, to offer an ICO platform, and to become an ICO enabler.
Allowing Users to invest in Crypto assets as a wealth feature, is a simple and common functionality, counting all the more as a digital business opportunity because lucrative without effort on KashYou’s side. The #designthinking effort toward this #DeFi service will be at the #customerjourney and #UX levels. The service will have to provide reports and insights, as well as market orders and deal closing confirmations.
All the digital activities of KashYou can be easily considered as Proof of Stake | Proof of Work on a #DeFi blockchain. The #designthinking will have to answer on whether it will be a closed or open one. The digital business opportunity is in the waiting. The value created by the #proofofstake is by itself a complete business model exercise and has the potential to subsidize the costs offered to the users by scaling in generating more business and enlarging the ecosystem by price elasticity.
A step further towards more DeFi digital business opportunities is the ICO platform. As mentioned in the opportunity above, the proof of stake | #proofofwork is available on the blockchain, the ICO ingredients are there to be put in format as per the #designthinking method. The ICO would be a major #DeFi opportunity especially when combined with the design thinking #deeptech method.
The #DeFi fulfillment to be brought about by #designthinking is at the level of the ICO enabler. A KashYou marketplace that will produce and sell digital companies, crypto currencies, and all what #decentralizedfinancial services that can be offered on top. The Web3 was already covered in last month’s article in this series: Metaverse Intelligence.
This twentieth , on the digital business opportunities Series I, covered the value created by applying Design Thinking to a DeFi layer within a borderless Super-App. The digital business opportunities galore in this matching use case, provided the regulations allow KashYou a leeway of deregulation. Design Thinking is all about empathy, personae, ideation, and iteration, all within the DeFi section of the KashYou ecosystem. If DeFi is instilled within KashYou, it will grab the focus of attention of both Merchants and Users.
All my articles are in summary outline format, meaning that any paragraph therein can be expanded into an Article on its own.
My next and last monthly article expected for May 2024 will match the Web3(.0) #metaverse #deeptech with EmFi Embedded Finance, I will try to avoid overlaps. It will be the last Article of Series-I. This last quarter is overloaded with metaverse instead of GRC and 5G #deeptechs, the last Series-I trilogy is planned for June 2024. All my puns are intended. All views are my own.
Dr. Caesar J.