IN Decent Exposure
Tatiana M.
Past Life Regressionist/ Hypnotherapist/Master Clairvoyant at ArtofDivineMystery .com
October 21, 2022
Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Scorpio /Taurus
A whirled of change exacts its function upon us, as the sun moon, fire water, and earth electric, sizzle through this mystified submersion of year.
Our humble feelings are greeted as we are stripped of our psychic certainty, the subtle invitation to dive in to the unknown, to the crushed bones and ashes of our yesterday
The sun enters Scorpio, the most magnetic, understood, and misunderstood of ‘signs’.
The archive of eternal survival lines; - the astral connection this sign has to the naked truth, revealed under the covers of the curios, to seek, experience to the fullest, to unravel the splendors of both the beautiful and the horrific, to conquer restrictions, fear, boundaries to the best greatest version of itself it seeks, on its own terms...and experiences?through?itself. It knows when it arrives, as where it is ‘taken’; --- what it is experiencing— this subterranean force that IS ultimately a tried and true voyage, again and again.
The collected wizening of the ages.
We all traverse such a descent into the underworld, of the dust, the hidden whisp eddying a former empire of our imagination, and emotional recognition.
We participate in The pyre of THE pas(t), (sed) now.
October 23rd charges a full season of sophistry, clarity, surrender and a surprising oscillation of events, as the sun enters Scorpio.
This very day Venus enters Scorpio, intensifying the erotic charge, and sublimating amourous magneticism, to a controlled burn.
An attraction to the edgier expression of sexuality, and relationship norms, and/ or desiring a complexity of experience, is not unlikely.
Here we may become more possessive of our partners, or love interests, and we may also connect with them in unseen but profound cohesion, that?retrieve elements of soul, or past life reca
This season flings the beginning of semi rogue insistence, a champion rebel and provocateur when the whimsy, or intention hits...and few are spared the shock...this is the Scorpio dialectics at its fines
Emotions flux and deepen as sensations, travel space and time through intensity of feeling, whether for good or bad.
To respark survival, seeking light within the darkest illumination, the spartan, but busy realms of death, and decay, level the playing field.
Saturn in Aquarius also turns direct this day; resetting external forms of karmic evidence to our actions.
Aquarius rules society, and Saturn restrictions; - stern godfather advocacy, certainly, an application we unanimously experience with the breakdown of ...what was.
October 25th
The new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio torrents in, rolling new beginnings to intimacy, creating, manifesting, commitments with money, the public purse, the political and corporate machinations and minutia of reform, and side stepped issues spanning life, death, birth, disease, fairness, justice, power, status, corruption, addiction, destruction, and sex.
Jupiter remains in Aries, along with Chiron the wounded healer, and Eris the Goddess of Discord, a minute longer, before it goes back into Pisces...stirring memorable delicacies we allow to leave at the altar of rectification, and release.
October 28th Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces until the solstice, further bathing us with spiritual and creative overflows of soul and nebulous experience, laced with a sense of karmic elevation, and dash.
October 29th Mercury, planet of mind enters Scorpio, pooling deeper thought processes, that seek solvency, learning, and self reliant conclusions...the ability to intuit what others are thinking or about to, crosses in.
October 30th
?Mars in Gemini, turns retrograde until January 12th 2023
The planet of action, might, battle, vitality and sexual drive Mars retrograde, will challenge our energy levels and resolve in this direction. Gemini’s need for discourse, stimulation, and affectation, could be at odds with a sudden drift, and could unconsciously nudge the masses, a haste in actions and words.
Debates, one upmanship, competition, insecurities of intellect, or recognition could spoil social and relational conduct if unchecked.
Global debates, media, journalism, tech software, programs, providers and communication devices may glitch, cyberstalking, misinformation, and leaked material of mass proportions, is...possible.
There could be mass blackouts in tech providing services.
Media manipulation may be more scrutinized, subject to its own dramas, and evident in the coming weeks.
We also get a glimpse inward, to assess triggers of self, others and the masses, as we are energetically slowed down to process the dual illusion of thought and feeling.
October 31st Samhain Hallo ween.
The reservoir of super intravision. The glarevoyancy of the dark. The eternal, and realms gone by.
Scorpio’s intensity glimpses the obscured, teaching itself, and others, the glory of vivacious persistence, through the frontiers of both popular, and unpopular darkness.
November 1stDay of the Dead Dia los Muertes
The first quarter of the moon appears through Aquarius/Saturn, alighting this most sacred of days as the subtle porter of the underworld
November 2nd Venus in Scorpio 13° salutes Chiron, the wounded healer in Aries at 13° , effluence a minor crack of tender hurt healing connection, unrequited inaction.
November 3rd, Venus in Scorpio quintiles Pluto in Capricorn intensifying the expression of desire, beyond private bounds of resistance.
November 5th, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus True Node...a recipe for the most scintillating repartee extraordinaire.
Sudden deep fateful attractions, or encounters.
November 7th Venus and Mercury in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius, a gentle, persuasive touch to universal fissures, is encouraged.
November 8th?The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus/Uranus
Offsetting events illuminating of what we value, sudden change in financial, emotional, creative, and status of boundaries, sudden shocks personally or universally.
The infinite well of peace, at the centre of the earth, and beyond.
The fullness of being, compassion, satiation, expression, and immovable decisiveness.
Deep feelings of reliant love, tenacious attitudes emblazon decisions here, and allowing a revolutionized approach to what one must do for themselves.
Passionate depths, over identification with others trusted, security readjusted.
A maverick realignment of sovereignty, self expression, and reliance.
Reinvention of financial and creative directives.
Uncomfortable and progressive jolts of security, the reality of stocks and markets, resources used as ransom, will rip realities further.
November 16th Venus enters Sagittarius, highlighting levity, wit, humour, freedom, adventure, philosophy and spiritual motivations within the expression and desires of our relationships.
November 17th Mercury enters Sagittarius blasting our minds heretofore, whimsical thought processes, free thinking and expression, blunt and honest repartees, philosophical observations and streams.
November 20th Vesta enters Pisces provoking spiritual flow and accountability of karmic actions/endings.
November 22nd sun enters Sagittarius enlivening our spirit of generosity, goodwill, faith in humankind, elusiveness, serving the higher purposes of society, adventure, freedom, athletic prowess, intellectual approaches to complex issues of diaspora, an appreciation for the unconventional.
November 23rd New Moon in Sagittarius new beginnings with our beliefs, out of bound journeys, spiritual influences, faith, important goals, how we make others feel, where we can go to regenerate, and feel connected, higher ideals for doing the right thing, justice, law, the pantheon of world changers.
November 23rd Jupiter Direct in Pisce
You and your most importants are as far as you feel like going these days. Your high crest expansion, will return after a respite in momentum –catch your breath, renew your fire. Your ruler turns retrograde, slowing everything?down, and potentially stirring haste, you can be thrilled to side step. Restructures to income, and investments, those of yours and partners, feature new issues or opportunities. Taking cover from media, and 3rd hand stories qualifies. Healing through some of the rapid insights and changes that have blasted your world anew, will help you adjust to the high level change within your world.
The light switch polestars a flip reality of new beginnings, and full chances to concur a daring direction forth. Surrendering to the vibrancy of the dynamic unexpected, reorganizing your greatest hopes, and delving a wise direction with finances, mines a reserve of your long term plan. The quality of what you bring, insists your focus. Welcoming a new version of self, serves you well now. Relationships are highly magnetic; sensuality and romantic charisma radial your awareness and experience.
You’re asked to lower the charge forth, as Mars the planet off get up and go, retrogrades in your sign, focalling the underpinnings of Geminian trails of treasured contact and enlivened paces. Time to slow?down, and pick your battles wisely. They will take more from you than normal. Your unconscious is lit, this eclipse season, deepening your spiritual reserve, and depth analysis contrasts an indication for well being, work routines, and healthy decisions. Your career gets another fortunate boost of expansion and possibility. Love and communication light the way mid November.
Your fondest wishes bring an element of surprise, the full moon eclipse charges your group affiliations, while you meander in the forest of a dual awareness, that second guesses your emotional and mental dominance. New beginnings roll the realm of parenting, romance, creativity and having a great time. Your wider horizons bloom open, as travel, novel inspirations through spirituality, beliefs, culture, law and academia stretches your interest. Significant others seem to repurpose their footing again. You may need to renew your personal power through a past resou
As your ruling element is concentrated forth, powerful changes occur in your domestic and family structure, welcoming the new, or new version of what needs to be shuffled. You source your origins and ancestral majesties. Likewise, your career status takes a levelled shake up, you’re sequestered where it is meant...and yes, so suddenly. There are good times waiting for you, and romance glides beautifully now. You are granted a minute to think about who your friends are, and what your fondest wishes truly consist of.
You find yourself currying forth your neighbourhood, carving and discovering new vistas, and local information. Your thirst for grand adventure alights just as strongly, whether through travel, literature, spiritual experiences or the stuff of social organization. Positive surprises and possibilities present themselves. You have another burst of relationship expansion as Jupiter moves back into your opposite, greeting both Juno and Vesta, deepening connections with powerful women this peri
There is a bright spot for some of the conflictual romantic issues that subtly line your interactions...romance is still meant to be healing now. You refocus on a swell of your work ethics, well being and health. Latent diagnosis, or remedies appear finally if you’ve been searching. New beginnings beckon with financial opportunities, and partners who invest and share your intimate and resourcefulness solidify, or extract their support now. You may take a breather as you rummage memories, and consider revisions of your greatest moves forward.?
Happy birthday Scorpio! The powerhouse you are, comes into the fullness of your being as you ride a sinewy reinvention. Career needs you to overcome an obstacle, and relationships go through a serious shakedown. You are a beast of magnetism now, irresistible and, yet, there are surprises beyond your control. Some are welcome, some are unexpected. Negotiations of what belongs to whom, who is on board, how much and what is really going on and ‘what do I really want’, fetter your mind and heart. You will have an enticing time finding those answers. Your year ahead features powerful attractions and domestic reconfigurations. Key people assist your ongoing evolution and destined partisanships.
This is a wild arrival of a new return to self, as your subconscious reveals a fresh path, and your intimate, depth psychology, sexual and resourceful ministrations, conduct a ceremony of breakthrough. Your fertile imagination channels dialogue with romantic and creative concentrations in your sign from mid November. Relationships could feel conflicted or disconnected as Mars retrograde compromises energetics and face value, but again, intimacy is alighted. Home spins more growth and emblazoned memories.
Your ruler Saturn heads direct again, allowing you more directness of purpose and power. This eclipse season activates your hopes, and social belonging. The areas of romance, having a great time, children and inventiveness, bring you the most return on your attention, and helps you foot your path, anew. You could revisit a health issue, or a psychological conundrum now, or source the problem, but not the solution- YET. Your work life balance calls for an overhaul, your hopes and wishes have a generous ear, and your intuitive connection to all, is on all cylinders.
Your career blazes the new, with a running endurance. Blessings are found likewise within home, family, renovation, and new arrivals. Sudden changes here present a destiny. Saturn turns direct 9n your sign, sharpening your discernment, over matters that you feel are of benefit to your erudite focus. Financials are invited to reflourish, as Jupiter returns to your income sector, for unfinished concord. There is a steadiness to your directives, you can trust. You may find yourself ultra focussed on your goals, and interested as to how to respond to the stasis in energy, Mars in Gemini retrograde TRIES to flatline in your pleasure principles.
A revision of your choices based on law, authority, allegory, culture, spirituality, AND morality, beckons your awareness. You get to rewind where your blessings begin and end...a protraction of what you deserve...a very subjective position, and decision, as Jupiter revisits your sign. There are sudden shocks, and revelations within your circuit of contacts and informants, your neighbourhood and reputation. Your influence and confluence are noticed. As Mars retrogrades in Gemini, your home, family, and sense of belonging, and origin, encounter potential conflicts without immediate resolution,--a confrontational analysis of the situation may precipitate new ideas. Saturn direct, tallies your choices.
All right reserved and copyright Tatiana Mihowich/ As Specs 2022 ?
Photos by Tatiana Mihowich???????Gravenhurst??Muskoka October?2022
??????Toronto Canada?????????August 2022