December's Coolest Article
Chris Spivey
Director of Industry Relations and Strategic Partnerships MJH Life Sciences?
Like all publishers we surveyed our audience near the end of the year to echo-locate the most important trends and plot twists. It's always fun to see how they sum up the industry in five words or fewer. It's also timely to sum it up in our own words - the following comes from the yet to be published January cover article titled "Leap Year", as indeed in 2024 we will be leaping for more reasons that just a calendar anomaly.
"An overlooked obvious truth about the pharmaceutical industry is that it is a chimera of strong competing opposites—a 1980’s Kombi van powered by jet engine thrusters, piloted by overly exuberant alternating with pessimistic MBA graduates. Through this lens, the stop/start progress and the multitudinous lurches toward both extreme success and extreme failure can be more clearly comprehended. On a deeper level still, pharmaceuticals are also a lifesaving endeavor inextricable to civilization’s forward march on one hand, while helping to extend and enrich each individual’s personal life on the other. In its inherently selfish human nature, the sector is thus well insulated from those deepest of natural financial troughs".
Brass Monkey Cold
Absolute Zero