December Newsletter

December Newsletter

What's New

DenSecure Expansion Added to Backdoors & Breaches: Explore Real Attack Tactics!

Wolf’s DenSecure team is proud to join Black Hills in their tabletop exercise card game, Backdoors & Breaches! Our DenSecure expansion focuses on attack tactics, techniques, and procedures that our experts see firsthand. Play against a DenSecure expert at an upcoming event, or play online for free!

Featured Content

Generative AI and Healthcare: An Innovative Partnership

Generative AI is trending across all types of industries – the opportunities for saving time and money are clear. But can a heavily regulated industry like healthcare adapt to artificial intelligence? Derek Thomas breaks down why the healthcare industry should begin embracing generative AI, and what that might look like.

News & Thought Leadership

California Enacts Landmark Laws Mandating GHG Emission and Climate-Related Financial Risk Reporting Beginning in 2026

California recently enacted laws requiring suppliers, service providers, and other large corporations to begin publicly disclosing their Scope 1, 2, and 3 information. Jared Kelly digs into the details of the laws, including requirements and impacts.

What is a vCISO & Why Should You Use One?

A vCISO can help your organization save time, money, and headaches when it comes to strengthening your cybersecurity network. Derek Morris explains when and why an organization should consider taking on a vCISO.

Fintech Startups: A Tax Crash Course

Creating a fintech venture can result in some complex tax considerations and implications. What should startups be aware of when first setting out? Eileen Segreve takes a deep dive into the details behind the various tax implications for startups, and how they can best be navigated.

Breaking Down the FDIC’s InTREx Program: Is the IT Exam Effective?

Cybersecurity challenges continue to evolve in the banking industry, which means financial institutions have had to evolve in kind. To help, the FDIC introduced the InTREx program – but is it truly effective? Christopher Bacchi takes a look at how it may have fallen short.

A Chief Risk Officer’s View Across the Risk Pillars

The 2023 California Bankers Association Bank Summit offered insights into the various risk factors facing financial institutions today as presented by a panel of risk officers. Wolf's vCRO Mike Cohn delineates exactly what was keeping those risk officers up at night, along with his perspective on the current risk landscape.


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