December and January Update
I have not written a Newsletter Update in December (Christmas time) but it does not mean the ball was not rolling. It was rolling at a normal speed. Below you will find a summary of articles in December and January.
In The Mindset of the Long Distance Runner I reflected on the question: What drives success, whether in writing, running, or life's broader pursuits?
Less Can Be More: Medicine and Longevity reviews the Nassim Nicholas Taleb via negativa concept proposed in Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder. You can summarise this with the simple proverb: The floor in hell is made of good intentions."
What is the Relation Between Wealth and Happiness? looks at The Sustainable Development Index (SDI) and proposed nonlinear relation between wealth and happiness, where national income per person above $20 000 does bring limited increase in happiness and $75 000 is considered ecological limit, beyond it is not possible to compensate for ecological impact of the production at that level.
Resilient New Year encourages us to look at life as a journey rather chasing a single, rigid goal. It can makes us more resilient and happy.
I continued to torture you with statistics in Numbers That Build Resilience: Understanding Equal Weighting. Statistical, analytical thinking is my view in the center of organisational resilience considerations and therefore is important theme to keep on the radar.
Living in a World of Sound is a story of remarkable woman from Poland - Izabela D?u?yk, who was born blind in 1989, and despite all odds, she made it to the BBC 100 Women List in 2023.
Let's have some resilient fun: Can Shopping Become an Adventure? reviews the concept of cruel optimism, taking as an example a campaign of a the polish retailer, who tries to convince kids to consider grocery shopping as an adventure full of magic.
And the last article in this period: Psychological Safety in Resilient Organisations, looks an unobvious relation between psychological safety and accountability, based on an report from McKinsey Quarterly.
On another note Resilience Institute is now a company, moving from a passion project to the next phase. I work currently on a number of initiatives, which I will communicate as soon as they result in a specific service offerings or official collaborations.
I hope you enjoy this month’s reflections and resources. I’m already working on my next piece! If there’s a specific aspect of resilience science or practice you’d like me to explore, feel free to reach out. Discover the science of resilience: the key to thriving in a changing world. My weekly posts explore how resilient individuals and organizations adapt and evolve. Gain evidence-based insights to boost resilience across domains. Join the growing community of forward-thinking readers at