December Impact Funding Opportunities

December Impact Funding Opportunities

Welcome to the last edition of Impact Funding Opportunities for 2024 - a curated list of funding and grant opportunities for purpose-driven organizations (both for-profit and non-profits) around the globe committed to making a positive impact. This list covers a wide range of impact sectors and focuses on larger grant opportunities (typically USD $100,000 and above). The list is updated a few times throughout the month.

This edition features opportunities in:

  • Sustainable Development/ Multi-Sector
  • Agriculture, Climate, Environment & Food
  • Energy
  • Gender
  • Health
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Inclusion
  • Innovation
  • Smart Cities
  • Small Grants, Awards, Accelerators, Fellowships and Learning Opportunities

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For more resources and tips on how to apply visit the Mindset-PCS website.

Sustainable Development/ Multi-Sector

(*develoPPP Ventures grant closing this month*) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), develoPPP Classic and Venture Funding, invites companies aiming to contribute to sustainable development in emerging markets to apply. Projects should align with one or more SDGs, in sectors such as agriculture, health, and energy, with a strong emphasis on impact, innovation, sustainable economic development, job creation, technology transfer, and capacity building. The program offers two tracks: develoPPP Classic for established companies with up to €2 million in funding, and develoPPP Ventures for startups with up to €100,000. DEADLINE: develoPPP Ventures closes December 31, 2024, develoPPP Classic open call launches February 15, 2025. Learn more and apply here: develoPPP Ventures and develoPPP Classic.

The Audacious Project , Open Call for Bold Projects, is looking for bold ideas that cover a wide range of issues, from global health and climate change, to social justice and education. The Audacious Project looks for timely ideas that are that magic combination of deeply inspiring and convincingly credible. That means ensuring your idea balances the ability to change the way people look at an issue, with a deliverable plan that will make that vision come to life. The emotional appeal and personal connection should be met with a logical approach and a track record of your teams' relevant successes. They look for ideas that inspire with 1) Transformative vision- a bold vision for tackling one of the world's most urgent topics, 2. Contribute to a better world- ideas that offer significant, enduring impact, 3. Innovative and original- there should be a unique aspect or creative element to your approach that challenges convention or status quo or changes the narrative for the greater good. Applicants should submit proposals for proven concepts (evidence that the idea will have impact based on a track record of past success, a demand from those that would be affected, etc.) a bold vision for using the multi-year funding, and an organizational track record of receiving and managing large sums (Past projects have had an annual operating budget of $2 million or more). Open to public organizations- nonprofits, NGO, institution (such as research institution) or collaboration between multiple entities. Grant envelope total of USD ~$1 billion (with about 10 winners in 2023), there is no limit to the budget that can be requested. DEADLINE: Rolling applications. Learn more and apply here.

AECF , Open Funding Calls - Sudan, AECF targets small and growing businesses and provides financing based on commercial viability, innovation, and potential development impact on rural and marginalized communities. The AECF runs competitions targeting agribusiness, renewable energy, resilience, and rural financial services across sub-Saharan Africa. The amount of funding the AECF can award to a single business is between US $15,000 and US $1.5 million, although this amount may vary depending on the competition.

  • Sudan SME Catalyser, the program seeks to support SMEs in Sudan relocating from conflict areas to more stable parts of the country. Eligible businesses must demonstrate that their offerings are accessible and affordable, directly create jobs, and improve livelihoods. Offerings must add value to one or more focus value chains in the renewable energy and agriculture sectors. Proposed initiatives can include but are not limited to one or more of the following focus areas to be eligible for funding: 1) Market aggregators that provide reliable and new market opportunities for economic development, 2) Agro-processors and manufacturing companies , 3) Innovative digital solution providers, 4) Production and distribution models that support local entrepreneurship and growth of SMEs, and 5) Business models that address climate-smart technology. The funding seeks to improve access to finance for enterprises that create economic opportunities across geographies and value chains, e.g., through employment creation, market linkages (market access), and suppliers of inputs/produce/services along the value chain, and provide targeted business development technical assistance and capacity building for businesses. or businesses. Grants range EUR €250,000 - €750,000. DEADLINE: Rolling applications. Learn more and apply here.

Creating Hope in Conflict: a Humanitarian Grand Challenge aims to identify, fund and accelerate ground-breaking solutions that are local or engage the local communities and draw from the experiences of affected communities. In this round CHIC is looking for innovation ideas for its Transition to Scale (TTS) program in 4 priority themes: 1) Access to energy, 2) Health Supplies and Services, 3) Life-saving information, and 4) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Proposed innovations should focus on supporting people who have been affected by conflict with particular focus on the hardest to reach. Preference would be given to innovations that are locally owned or locally led with majority of the management and governance comprising of people from the affected communities. Relevant populations are: 1) Non-displaced people (i.e. people in conflict zones) 2) Internally displaced persons 3) Refugees. Grants ranging from CAD $300,000 - $1.5 million. Funding and support provided by USAID, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Global Affairs Canada | Affaires mondiales Canada, and Grand Challenges Canada. Submit your idea to be invited to submit a proposal. DEADLINE: Ideas accepting on a rolling basis. Learn more and submit ideas here.

The Tony Robbins Foundation , Global Impact - Open Call, dedicated to meeting challenges within the global community, creating solutions and taking action, The Tony Robbins Foundation provides donations and volunteer support for nonprofit organizations, schools, hospitals and homeless shelters around the world. The foundation supports communities in need including natural disasters, and providing opportunities for at-risk youth. Open to non-profits globally. Grants range USD $20,000- $500,000. DEADLINE: Rolling applications - submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). Learn more and apply here.

Kili Ventures , Pre-Seed/ Seed Investments for Impact-Tech Entrepreneurs in Emerging Markets, Kili Venture is a new investment syndicate focused on investing in tech startups in emerging markets, with an initial emphasis on Africa. Kili Ventures constantly seeks "hidden gems" - startups with talented teams developing technologies that have a significant impact on local communities and strong scalability potential. Target to support 5-10 startups annually in pre-seed and seed rounds, investing between EUR €50,000 - €250,000. DEADLINE: Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

Effective Ventures , EA Funds, Effective Altruism Funds (EA Funds) is a platform for moving money to particularly cost-effective and altruistically impactful projects. The current funds focus on: 1) Improving the lives of people living in extreme poverty, 2) Improving the lives of non-human animals, 3) Making the long-term future go well, and 3) Supporting the work of the Effective Altruism community. Grant sizes are typically between $5,000 and $200,000, but can be as low as $1,000 and higher than $500,000. DEADLINE: Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

Gupta Family Foundation, Grant Application, accepting applications from organizations that provide focused intervention in the lives of people who have been disadvantaged in some way to help them become self-reliant. The foundation takes a very broad view of “disadvantage” to include anything that holds a person back from realizing their potential, such as poverty, physical or mental disability, social alienation, etc. The foundation also supports relief agencies that serve people affected by emergencies such as natural disasters. They focus on funding smaller organizations all around the world that are led by individuals with a deep personal commitment to their missions. Applicants must operate in one of the following countries: India, the United States, Botswana, Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Rwanda, South Africa, or Thailand. Grants range USD $5,000 - $250,000 (for annual and multi-year funding) and at least 90% of grant monies reaches the intended beneficiaries. DEADLINE: Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

GiveWell , Apply for Funding Consideration, aims to fund the most cost-effective opportunities that have the potential to make a big impact for many people. Provide a wide range of grants through different financing mechanisms: 1) All grants fund, 2) Top charity fund, 3) Unrestricted fund. Grants range USD $50,000- USD $70M. DEADLINE: Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

Agriculture, Climate, Environment & Food

(*closing soon!*) Kiwa Initiative, Call for Proposals, Regional Projects: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Change Resilience in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories. The Kiwa Initiative is a multi-donor program (led by Agence Fran?aise de Développement and supported by New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade , Australian Aid, IUCN, European Union and others). Kiwa is currently accepting applications from regional projects implementing activities that clearly contribute to climate change adaptation through right-based gender-responsive and socially-inclusive NbS. Each project must address key criteria: 1. Climate change adaptation, 2. Biodiversity, and 2. Gender Equity Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI). 18 Pacific Island Countries and Territories are eligible, regional projects should involve at least 2 of the eligible countries: Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Marshall Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna. Grants range EUR €1.5 million - €5 million (projects can be implemented for up to 3.5 years). DEADLINE: December 15, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) International Climate Initiative, Small Grants Call for Proposals, seeks to support small, local organizations in the implementation of their climate and biodiversity projects, and is now accepting applications for the following thematic priorities: Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, Adaptation to the impacts of climate change, Conserving natural carbon sinks with a focus on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, Conserving biological diversity. IKI Small Grants focuses on small national and local organizations in ODA-eligible countries. Grants range EUR €60,000 - €200,000. DEADLINE: January 15, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) African Development Bank Group , 3rd Call for Proposals of the Climate Action Window - Technical Assistance (TA) Sub-window. The CAW's call aims to support project preparation, capacity building, and expanding green finance initiatives. The objective is to enhance the bankability of climate projects and promote the development of Paris-aligned strategies, such as Long-Term Strategies (LTSs), Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). Priority sectors for the fund: Agriculture, food and nutrition, forestry, land use and fisheries; Water Access and waste and wastewater management; Energy access and renewable energy; Transport and infrastructure; Green and sustainable finance and Building resilient and green infrastructure as well as climate information and early warning. Projects should integrate gender considerations and target underserved and fragile communities. TA funds may be used to finance activities such as consultant or expert fees1, project proposal development, trainings, workshops, consultations, participation in regional and international meetings, communications, outreach, advocacy. Eligible organizations include government and non-profits, private sector actors are not eligible. 37 African countries are included in the window; Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, S?o Tomé & Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Grants range USD $260,000- $1.3 million (total of USD $56 million available). DEADLINE: February 5, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) International Climate Initiative , Thematic Call 2024, Accepting applications for the following thematic priorities:? Promotion of cooperative approaches to the implementation of Art. 6, Building energy efficiency, Climate-friendly transport, Scaling innovative financing solutions for the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries, sustainable conservation of primary forests and the restoration of semi-natural forests, Conservation, sustainable management and restoration of critical wetlands for biodiversity and climate action, From Blue Carbon to Blue Value - locally-led approaches for coastal marine ecosystem services, Building climate resilience through protecting vulnerable watersheds in South America, Enhancing climate resilience to prevent conflict and sustain peace. Grants range EUR €5 million - €20 million, one to three projects per thematic priority will be selected. DEADLINE: February 18, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*opening soon!*) Mastercard Foundation, Mastercard Foundation Fund for Resilience and Prosperity, The Climate Impact Challenge Fund is focused on supporting SMEs to unlock enterprise growth for the purpose of catalyzing, scaling-up and sustaining the creation of dignified and fulfilling work opportunities for young women and men with limited financial means, including young people with disabilities and refugee youth.?The fund broadly covers any climate opportunity that is capable of work creation opportunities for young people. SMEs working in any other parts of the climate value chain are encouraged to apply (such as ecotourism, natural resources management, regenerative and climate smart agriculture, blue/ circular economy, renewable energy, e-mobility, water services, green manufacturing, and early warning systems). Open to SMEs from Benin, Burundi, Botswana, Cameroon, C?te d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Women-led businesses are especially encouraged to apply. Grants typically range USD $500,000-$2.5 million disbursed over a 3-year period. DEADLINE: 2 windows: January 20, 2025 - May 20, 2025 and October 13, 2025 - January 30, 2026. Learn more and apply here.

P4G Partnerships , Call for Partnerships, now accepting applications for partnerships working on climate mitigation or adaptation solutions in the areas of food, energy and water. Partnerships must comprise at least one early-stage climate business and one nonprofit organization implementing in one of P4G’s ODA-eligible partner countries: Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa and Vietnam. Applicants must provide services or products that contribute to poverty alleviation, gender equity and economic growth in one of the following sub-sectors 1) climate-smart agriculture, 2) food loss and waste, 3) water resilience, 4) zero emission mobility and 5) renewable energy. ?Grant of $350,000 (on average per partnership) to be implement in a period of 18-24 months, additional benefits include technical assistance, and introductions to intermediary investment facilities providing a finance bridge to scale partnership operations. DEADLINE: Applications accepted on a rolling basis, next round of review March 8 and September 8, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

Subnational Climate Fund (SCF) , Call for Sustainable Infrastructure Projects is seeking projects in scalable infrastructure in high growth developing regions with identified local need, in one or more of the targeted sectors: 1. Sustainable Energy Solutions, 2. Waste and Water Management, and 3. Nature-based Solutions. All projects should contribute positively to climate action (SDG 13) and positively contribute to at least two other SDGs. Provided capital should support new activities, improvements, and constructions, and must be in one of the 42 target countries in LATAM, Asia and Pacific, Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa. Total funding per project USD $5 million - $75 million. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

WFP Innovation Accelerator , WFP Innovation Challenge, accepts submissions year-round in search of game-changing innovations that deliver relief, foster, resilience and end hunger.?Current priorities are 1) Emergency Preparedness and Response, 2) Supply Chain and Delivery, 3) Nutrition and School Meals, 4) Food Systems and Smallholder Farmers, 5) Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods, 6) Social Protection. Selected organizations will receive a wide range of support including: access to WFP, innovation consultants, mentors, up to US$100,000 equity-free funding to test the venture’s scalability potential, and more. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.


(*new!*, *closing soon!*) United States African Development Foundation,?USADF Off-Grid Energy Challenge. Accepting applications from projects focused on increasing sustainable energy access, specifically off-grid solutions, and extending the delivery of electrification to unserved and underserved communities in Africa. The type of clean energy technologies to be proposed may include, but are not limited to, solar power, hydropower, wind power, biomass, biogas, gas, energy storage, and hybrid systems. Productive use applications in cross-sector areas like agriculture and agri-business, healthcare, education, ICT, and other commercial and industrial activities are highly encouraged. Eligible countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, C?te d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo (South Kivu), Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia). Applicants must be African-owned and managed private companies or organizations (including non-profit and not-for-profit) registered and operating in Africa. Grants of up to USD $250,000. DEADLINE: December 12, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

E.ON, European Investment Fund (EIF) and Future Energy Ventures, Fund for the Digitalisation of the Energy Transition. The newly established fund will be allocated entirely towards sustainable investments across three core investment themes with clear decarbonization potential: future energy, future cities, and future technologies. With an average initial ticket size of between EUR €1M-10M for early-stage investments, it aims to target thirty new investments located in the innovation hubs of Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Learn more here.


(*closing soon- last chance to submit EOI!*) Action for Women's Health: A Global Open Call, Pivotal Ventures, a Melinda French Gates organization, launched Action for Women’s Health, a $250 million global open call that will fund organizations around the world that are improving women’s mental and physical health. Accepting applications from non-profit organizations globally that serve women and have a record of improving women’s mental or physical health, and are ready to scale their work, funds can be used flexibly to fund a wide range of of programs and activities. Before applying, complete the Organizational Readiness Tool. Grants range USD $1-$5 million. DEADLINE: Interested organizations must register to apply by December 3, 2024. Complete applications due January 10, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*closing soon!*) WhatWorks2PreventVAWG, Window II Request for Concept Notes - Innovation Grant. Seeking proposals that focus on the following priority areas in humanitarian of development contexts: Prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in fragile and conflict affected settings, Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV), and Addressing VAWG prevention in Climate Change. Innovation grants are intended to support projects that seek to test innovative approaches and collaborations to take VAWG prevention work in new directions, including: design and test ways to prevent forms of violence, testing different delivery platforms or new partnerships, develop approaches to address violence in populations or settings where little experience exists (for example, refugees, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, or LBT populations). ‘What Works to Prevent Violence – Impact at Scale’ Programme is a seven-year initiative funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to scale-up effective prevention of VAWG. Accepting proposals from southern-based, women-led, women’s rights organizations, or a consortia, with expertise and a track record of working in the field of VAWG prevention. Open to fund projects based in the Middle East and North Africa, Asia, and SubSaharan Africa. Encourage applications from the Middle East and North Africa and projects/interventions located in fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS) that are in a situation of protracted crises. Grants up to GBP £500,000 for up to 3 years. DEADLINE: December 6, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF) , 2025 Grant Funding, SAAF provides flexible multi-year grants, that can be used for specific projects or to support the work of organizations more generally- the work must relate to abortion. SAAF funds any work related to abortion, including service provision, political advocacy, behavior change initiatives, public campaigns, and more. SAAF can also fund organizational strengthening and capacity building.?Proposal can include staff costs, activity costs, and anything else you may need to reach your stated goals.?Applications must be from the global south, from ODA recipient countries. Grants up to USD $120,000. DEADLINE: December 18, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) COMO Foundation , COMO Foundation Grants, support non-profit organizations working to improve the lives of women and girls and focused on closing the gender gap in accessing vital goods and services, education and livelihoods. They provide support to organizations, not projects, complementing traditional programmatic funding. Grants around USD $100,000 (provide around USD $5 million annually in funding). DEADLINE: Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.


(*closing soon!*) UK Research and Innovation, Applied Global Health Research: Stage One, is now accepting proposals to support applied research that will address global health challenges and inequities that will lead to tangible change in health policy and practice in the near future through practical, impact focused research. A wide range of research can be supported including feasibility studies, late-stage intervention development and testing, implementation and scale-up research, health economic research, environmental (including climate change), cultural and social approaches within health focused projects, applied modeling and more. Research organizations, institutes, and research non profits in LMICs and the UK are invited to apply. Grants range GBP £150,000 - £2,000,000. DEADLINE: December 3, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) L'Initiative (part of The Global Fund ), Call for Proposals 2025, L’Initiative is a French mechanism that works hand in hand with the Global Fund to accelerate the fight against major pandemics and help countries improve access to quality health services for their populations. They support local and national stakeholders to implement catalytic programs that drive improvements in health policies and practices. Multiple grant opportunities are open for new and previous partners: Projects for Health Systems Strengthening with a Focus on Human Resources, Projects Supporting Operational Research on Resistance, Projects Developed By and For Key and Vulnerable Populations, Step-up the fight against malaria through community-based approaches. Grants range EUR €500,000 - €3.5 million. DEADLINE: January 13-21, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

Humanitarian Aid

(*new!*) 美国国务院 Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), Refugee support in Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey and Syria. Now inviting organizations to submit concept notes for programs benefiting refugees and other populations of concern in Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, and Syria. Projects should aim to address the needs of vulnerable populations, including refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and vulnerable host community populations by supporting humanitarian projects in sectors such as protection (GBV, Child Protection, MHPSS), education, health, and livelihoods. Proposed activities should enhance local organizational capacity, promote social cohesion, and ensure the safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory delivery of humanitarian assistance. Eligible applicants include U.S.-based nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, overseas-based nonprofits with proof of registration, and international organizations (excluding UN agencies). Grants range USD $500,000 - $4 million. DEADLINE: January 9, 2024. Learn more and apply here.


(*new!*, *closing soon*) Robert Bosch Stiftung , Building Power for Economic Justice, aims to support organizations that work to tackle structural economic injustices led by those who have lived experiences of economic inequality. It has 3 focus areas: care, technology, and wealth, and their intersections, with?particular attention to support activities that amplify the voices of communities underrepresented or excluded from economic decision-making and that strengthen their power - from grassroots work to policy-making. The program has three focus areas: care, technology, and wealth. They aim to fund organizations’ ongoing work and learning, prioritizing organizational development rather than specific projects, offering multi-year support to encourage organizations’ long-term sustainability. Interested organizations must have an annual budget between €100,000 and €3 million, be based in East, South, South-East Asia / Europe, Central and North Asia/ Latin America and the Caribbean / Southwest Asia and North Africa ?and Sub-Saharan Africa or operate at a global or regional level, and do not currently receive funding from Robert Bosch Stiftung. Grants range EUR €100,000 - £400,000 for 2-5 years. DEADLINE: December 15, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

Livelihood Impact Fund, focuses on improving the lives of the global poor by providing skills, capital, and opportunities to support self-sufficiency and increased earnings. They support organizations working on 1.Agriculture: Smallholder farmers productivity and regenerative agriculture. 2. Entrepreneurship: Micro, small & medium enterprise development, and 3. Workforce Development: Employability training programs across various industries. The fund works primarily in Africa but will consider projects in additional LMIC's. Through the 'Lab portfolio,' they invest in African-led organizations with budgets between $150,000 and $1M. Grants of unrestricted funding range USD $100,000- $150,000 per year for us to three years. Grantees also receive additional capacity-building support. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

Multitudes Foundation , Incubation and Scaling Grants for political change-makers from Europe. Incubation grants provide funding and expert support to those ready to build their vision into sustainable and efficient organizations. Scaling grants provide funding for registered organizations ready to scale their efforts and build more power. Grants range EUR €50,000-€100,000. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.


(*new!*, closing this month!) Mercy Corps Ventures , 4th Round of Crypto for Good Fund, Mercy Corps Ventures (MCV) is looking for startups and organizations operating in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Pacific Islands, and Western Balkans that are innovativelly applying web3 and blockchain technology to build solutions for underserved populations to drive global financial inclusion and climate resilience across the Global South. This edition of the Fund will be focused on the next frontier of crypto innovation - looking for builders who are pushing the boundaries to improve the lives and livelihoods of underserved users across the Global South. Priority themes include, but are not limited to: Broader access, Programmable money, Locally-adapted solutions, Humanitarian aid delivery, ReFi / Climate innovation. The Fund will provide equity-free grants of up to $100,000 to 10 eligible startups. Alongside capital, MCV will also provide mentorship, impact measurement advisory, access to partnership opportunities, knowledge exchange, and brand exposure. DEADLINE: December 20, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*, *closing this month!*) UNICEF Innovation , AI and Blockchain for Data and Trust. The UNICEF Venture Fund is looking to invest in Open Source frontier technology solutions that have the potential to create radical change for children. Seeking company's leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), or blockchain that are registered in one of UNICEF’s program countries that have impressive working prototypes and a commitment to Open Source licensing and practices.? Offering up to USD $100,000 in equity-free funding for early-stage, for-profit technology start-ups. DEADLINE: December 23, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) European AI & Society Fund , AI Accountability Grants, announced funding for bold, adventurous projects that explore how to hold those responsible to account for harms caused by the use of AI in Europe.?The Fund does not prescribe which approaches, tactics and regulations to use, or have specified geographies or issue areas prioritized – they are open to a broad scope of projects, such as conducting research, developing transparency mechanisms, preparation of complaints on high-risk systems, developing strategies, and building coalitions and bridges to communities affected by AI harms and co-designing accountability strategies.? Grants range EUR €10,000 and €200,000 (total funding available €2 million). DEADLINE: January 6, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!*) Fondation Botnar, Fit4Future, seeks projects that leverage digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve the wellbeing of young people, particularly those from marginalized communities. Projects should focus on creating inclusive cities or advancing inclusive education, addressing barriers faced by youth with disabilities, those out of school, or from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Preference will be given to projects that are deeply rooted in the community and demonstrate strong local ownership. Eligible applicants include not-for-profits and social enterprises registered for at least two years and operating in one of these countries: Romania, Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, Indonesia, Vietnam, Colombia, and Ecuador. Grants minimum CHF 200,000 (total funding envelope of CHF 3.19 million available for 5-6 projects in this call). DEADLINE: February 10, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) , EIC Accelerator. The EIC is Europe’s flagship innovation program to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and game-changing innovations. The accelerator supports start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (to develop and scale up to new markets or disrupt existing ones and provides a unique combination of funding from EUR €500,000-17.5M as well as business acceleration services. Open to applicants from?EU Member States and countries associated to the?Horizon Europe?programme and we as global applicants who relocate their?company in order to become eligible. Short applications accepted on a rolling basis. Full application deadlines: March 12, 2025, October 1, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

USAID, Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) 2024 accepting proposals for innovations that address international development challenges and improve the lives of people living in poverty in developing countries around the world. DIV provides tiered funding to pilot, test, and transition to scale (i.e., grow to reach the highest number of beneficiaries possible) those innovations that demonstrate evidence of impact, cost-effectiveness, and the potential to scale. Grants ranging from USD $25,000-$15M. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

Global Innovation Fund. The fund seeks out innovations with the greatest potential to improve the lives of millions of people living in poverty, and accepts applications from any type of organization, working in any sector in any developing country. The fund innovations that are scalable, widely applied, and evidence-based. Three types of funding available: pilot (up to USD $230,000), test & transition (up to USD $2.3M) and scale (up to USD $15M). Applications are accepted on a rolling basis- Next open windows closes December 30, 2024 . Learn more and apply here.

Smart Cities

European Commission , Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership). Accepting proposals that address one or both of the following points: 1. Digital solutions that facilitate participative design and planning through visualisation, analysis and engagement with data that is directly relevant to building users as well as citizens in the surrounding urban area (including e.g. immersive and interactive technologies, Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality, simulations and scenario modelling). 2. Digital solutions that allow to analyse and model different scenarios for to-be-renovated buildings, neighbourhoods and / or districts in terms of energy use and generation; users’ health and wellbeing; impact on the energy grid; provisions for active and electric mobility, and sustainable delivery solutions; life-cycle environmental and micro-climatic impacts, and; socio-economic impacts for citizens, building users, owners and occupiers. Total budget available: EUR € 10 million. DEADLINE: February 4, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

European Data Space for Smart Communities, Open Call for Pilots, aims to advance the development and implementation of data spaces. This effort is aligned with the policy priorities of EU cities and communities, focusing on the green-digital transformation supported by secure and sovereign data infrastructure.?Submitted proposals must also demonstrate actual services created based on data sharing among data space participants. The pilot consortia must create new data services from the data sharing across at least two target focus areas: 1) Predictive traffic management/sustainable mobility planning, 2) Data-services related to weather, climate and extreme weather events to facilitate risk prevention, disaster resilience as well as climate change adaptation, 3)Management of energy flows in a city/community specific context and in conjunction with other sectors, 4) Zero pollution actions (e.g., air, water, soil pollution or waste), and 5) Any other domain falling under the New European Bauhaus initiative (urban design, building management, public services, nature-based solutions, amongst others). Eligible pilot consortia must consist of (and be led by) at least two local or regional public administrations from different EU member states (MS) and/or Digital Europe Programme (DEP) Associated countries, and can include a wide range of actors including private sector and non profits. Grants range EUR €1 million - €1.5 million (total of €15.3 million available). DEADLINE: Final Round closes February 28 2025 (4+ pilots to be selected). Learn more and apply here.

Small Grants, Awards, Accelerators, Fellowships and Learning Opportunities

(*new!, closing soon!*) The Climate & Care Initiative, Supporting the climate and care nexus in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa seeks innovative practices that connect climate and care to promote equitable and sustainable development and a just transition. Thematic priorities; 1. Initiatives and organizations addressing the increasing demand for care as a result of the impacts of climate change, 2. Initiatives or organizations that aim to incorporate a care perspective and gender equality into actions to mitigate carbon emissions and reduce vulnerability to climate change, 3. Initiatives or organizations that promote decent working conditions with a gender and care perspective within the framework of just transitions. The initiative is supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and led by a consortium including the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development UNRISD, Oxfam Canada , and Fundación Avina in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Care / Alianza Global por los Cuidados. The lead organization presenting and implementing the proposal must be a civil society organization, grassroots organization, or movement from the Global South. Grants of up to USD $50,000 per project for innovative practices in prioritized countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa. DEADLINE: December 10, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!, closing soon!*) WiNFUND Women in Innovation Fund (WiNFUND), co-founded by 利洁时 and Health Innovation Exchange - HIEx along with the Kofi Annan Foundation with a mission to support and scale ventures that deliver impactful and sustainable healthcare innovations for women, by women. The new call invites female health innovators across Africa to apply for the new cohort. They are seeking pioneering organizations with solutions that improve access to healthcare across Africa. Selected organizations will receive funding and support to accelerate their growth and connect with relevant investors. Applicants must be at revenue stage, demonstrating investability and readiness for rapid scale-up. DEADLINE: December 13, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!, closing soon!*) Obama Foundation , Scholars Program at Columbia University, seeks rising leaders from the United States and around the world who meet the following criteria: 1. Are emerging leaders who have made meaningful contributions to their field and are now at a “breakthrough moment” in their careers. 2. Have a proven commitment to service and leadership within a community, region or country, coupled with a demonstrated commitment to return to these communities following their completion of the program and apply their enhanced training, skills, and connections on a long-term basis for the benefit of these communities. 3. Have the ability and inclination to positively shape the future of their community. 4. Have a demonstrated commitment to inclusivity, community-orientation, hope, courage, imagination, strategy, accountability, integrity and resilience. 5. Are fluent in English (verbal, written and spoken). DEADLINE: December 16, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!, closing soon!*) Impact Shakers , Impact Shakers Accelerator, is a 6 month program for diverse founding teams in Europe to scale impact startups. Welcome applications from Climate Tech Impact Infrastructure Inclusion Tech, Scalable impact solutions, Exceptional diverse founders teams, Pre-Seed/Seed Stage, Raised less than €2M, HQ in Europe (incl UK). Includes EUR €150,000 investment from Impact Shakers Ventures as well as ongoing tailored support program. DEADLINE: December 22, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!) Global Warming Mitigation Project , Keeling Curve Prize (KCP) recognizes and supports innovative climate solutions that aim to bend the Keeling Curve downward, ultimately reducing the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases. The prize acknowledges projects and initiatives from around the globe that are making significant strides in addressing climate change, promoting sustainability, and advancing decarbonization efforts. 10 winners are awarded $50,000 each. DEADLINE: January 15, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!) European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF), Diaspora 4 Development (D4D) Grants aim to promote sustainable development by supporting diaspora-led initiatives in their countries of origin in the areas of climate, economy, education and health. D4D Grants provide financial support for diaspora organizations to undertake small-scale projects that generate tangible improvements in the well-being of the target community. Grants range €25,000 - €60,000 (total of €580,000 funding available). DEADLINE: January 15, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!) Volunteers of America VOA Futures Fund Community Health Incubator. VOA together with the Humana Foundation launched this first-of-its-kind Incubator to accelerate social enterprises that improve quality, equity, and access to care for Medicaid and at-risk populations. The incubator supports early-stage entrepreneurship that develops innovative products and services for equitable community health outcomes. Founders receive a $15,000 non-dilutive capacity grant for participating in the Incubator. An additional $10,000 may be accessed for implementation pilots with VOA Affiliates. Graduates are eligible for follow-on investments of up to $200,000. DEADLINE: January 21, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

(*new!) Remarkable Tech , Launcher Pre-Accelerator Program - Disability Tech. The Launcher pre-accelerator program supports early-stage startups that are improving the lives of people with disability. DEADLINE: January 21, 2025. Learn more and apply here.

The Liveability Challenge , The Liveability Challenge 2025- 8th Edition, this year there are two main themes: 1) Decarbonization- disruptive deep-tech solutions that provide scalable and impactful solutions to reduce carbon emissions across diverse industries. 2) Cool Earth- groundbreaking innovations that specifically address the challenges posed by climate-induced extreme weather conditions. The winner of each track will receive USD $1 million. DEADLINE: February 9, 2025. Learn more and apply here.


Please share this list, and feel free to add any additional opportunities in the comments. To explore how these initiatives can integrate into your broader fundraising needs and impact strategy, or for further insights or assistance in navigating the application process, don't hesitate to connect!

Valeria Banderas Benítez

Experiencia en información estratégica, análisis de datos avanzado, docencia de élite y sólida investigación.

3 个月

Excellent opportunities to apply. Thanks a lot.


Driving Access to Quality Healthcare and Clean Water in Rural Uganda

3 个月

Thanks for sharing Eliana


Driving Access to Quality Healthcare and Clean Water in Rural Uganda

3 个月

This is a good platform on Impact funding opportunities. Im glad I've joined this platform


?? ???? We currently have an opportunity for Indian impact enterprises working to improve the livelihoods of?smallholder farmers OR driving solutions for plastic circularity. ?? Deadline to apply: 15 December, 2024 Four start-ups will receive tailored business support, networking opportunities, access to knowledge services, and up to ?1.30 crore in grant funding. Send us a DM if you'd like to find out more! ??


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