


Another year full of activities passed by, and we would like to personally thank all of you for keeping your enthusiasm high for EUROAVIA. Enjoy your reading and do not forget to subscribe to our Newsletter!?


To start well, we’re thrilled to announce that the 2025 edition of the Mentoring Programme is here. This exciting opportunity pairs motivated students with seasoned professionals from the industry, creating a personalized match based on the mentee’s interests. From February to September 2025, the participants will benefit from monthly online sessions, expand their network with industry professionals and EUROAVIA Alumni, and receive tailored guidance to achieve goals. Applications for both mentors and mentees are open until January 20th.?

Secondly, we are excited to inform you about the new edition of the Airbus Sloshing Rocket Workshop. It is a hybrid competition (online and physical) in which teams are required to design a low-cost reusable rocket which is destabilised by the movement of water stored in an unpressurised?tank. Participants will be provided with a series of exclusive lectures focused on the mathematics and physics behind the sloshing and design of rockets. This will include topics such as aerodynamics, propulsion, and so much more! The 2025 edition's final will take place in Forlì, Italy, from August 25th to 30th, 2025. The event will be hosted at the Aeronautical Technical Institute (ITAER), where competing teams will design and assemble their rockets in dedicated workshop spaces, with the launch site?just?outside. Get ready to put yourself out there and use your skills! Applications are open until January 24th, at 12:00 UTC.?

Last but not least, IDEATHON 2024 was a success! From the 1st to the 6th of December, AS Zagreb hosted the Ideathon 2024 Finale, following the first phase in Toulouse. The event's sponsors ANSYS, Eurocontrol and IGA assigned to the participants the challenges they had to solve for the following 48 hours. All the teams showcased their ideas bringing together different skills and technical knowledge. We want to congratulate to the team that stood out among all: AVION from AS Patras, who took first place in the competition and to all the teams for their creativity and hard work!

We sincerely wish you a carefree, joyful, and happy new year, and we hope you will be able to spend time with your loved ones and get some rest. See you in January!?



