December Edition
Season's Greetings and a warm welcome to the latest issue of AOKA's monthly newsletter!
As we celebrate this festive season, we're delighted to have you as a part of our community. Each month, we're here to bring you the latest and most important news from the permitting industry, right to your inbox.
It’s Getting Even Harder to Permit Projects In Texas
Recent legal developments in Texas have made it increasingly challenging to obtain air quality permits for construction projects. Court decisions have expanded who can challenge permit applications and raised the potential for lengthy delays and higher costs. Companies are advised to prepare for possible litigation, engage with the community, and manage expectations regarding timelines and costs.
Texas Lawmakers Approve $1.5 Billion for Construction Of Walls
Texas lawmakers have approved $1.5 billion for border security, including southern border walls, bringing the total funding over two years to $6 billion. Democrats opposed it, advocating for education and healthcare spending instead. The legislation also includes funds for law enforcement in a disputed crime-affected southeast Texas neighborhood. It's part of Gov. Greg Abbott's border security initiatives.
2023 Houston Building Trends
The City of Houston issued $6.145 billion in building permits through September 2023, a decrease of 5.7% from 2022. This decline, when adjusted for inflation, amounts to 9.1%. Nonresidential permits fell by 20.8%, while residential permits increased by 14.8%. The report also notes a significant drop in construction contract awards and a decline in construction employment since mid-year.
Deadly Fannin County Fire Raises Jurisdiction Questions
After a fatal fire in Fannin County, Texas, discussions are ongoing for an interlocal agreement between Fannin and Hunt Counties to enhance emergency services coordination. The incident revealed a lack of formal agreements, leading to delays. Both counties recognize the need for such agreements to efficiently share resources during emergencies, with progress toward automatic mutual aid agreements to improve response times and prevent future delays.
Thank you for subscribing and reading AOKA's newsletter. As a dedicated partner in building safe and efficient communities, we appreciate your support and engagement. Wishing you happy holidays and a prosperous New Year!