DECEMBER 7, 2020
79 years ago on this date the United States was attacked by a foreign power, Japan. We have recently been attack from without and within by factions that also seek to destroy us. We, as a people, have gone well past relying upon our elected officials to defend and preserve our Constitutional rights as a free nation. It is time to take matters into our own hands.
I call upon the American people to go to your individual state capitals and surround these buildings to demand that a fair and transparent election take place according to the United States Constitution.
This is especially crucial in the states of Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Virginia, North Carolina, California, Oregon and Washington. We have been betrayed by these elected officials who have broken their oath of office and should be recalled, impeached, arrested and tried for treason being complicit in the attempted coup to overthrow the government.
We cannot sit idly by and wait for phone calls, emails, texts and other means of communication try to sway these officials to do the right thing. We have run out of patience. Now is the time for the people to take action. We shall not and must not be deterred from our sacred vows and rights. Rights given to us by our Creator. There are over 75 million of us and in this strength we cannot and shall not fail.
Ric Wells
Common Man