December 2023 Newsletter
Winning Collectively

December 2023 Newsletter

The year 2023 is almost officially over, and what a year it has been for worker’s rights. As of October, there have been over 300 documented strikes, comprised of over 453,000 workers, doubling the number from 2022. Almost half a million people organized and protested for their rights as employees. In California alone, the healthcare workers, hospitality employees, teachers, and both actors and writers' unions collectively took to the picket lines for their respective causes. The most rewarding part is that there were so many wins. The efforts are paying off, and things are changing for the better. This is only the beginning. Hot labor summer transformed into a season of solidarity and, up next, a year of unity. We recognize this work is a marathon, not a sprint, and we are fully committed to continuing the job.

We also acknowledge that work of this magnitude requires rest; rest as resistance. So take some time to reflect on the strides made this year, on the power reclaimed, the voices heard, but most of all, take some time to recuperate. We invite you to carve out a moment, no matter how brief, to intentionally unplug as the year concludes. While our messages may be less frequent in the coming weeks, rest assured that we are revitalizing, reigniting our enthusiasm, and reaffirming our dedication to fostering a more equitable Bay Area economy. We will see you in 2024, energized and ready to make an even bigger impact in the Bay.

For ways to get involved, click here.

In community,

Brianna, Janelle, + Rob


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