December 2022
Growth Guru
Growth Guru is dedicated to helping passionate leaders and growth-focused companies move toward greater success.
We are excited to announce that the first Growth Guru Summit is scheduled for April 5, 2023! It will be a great opportunity for GG companies to build a community, learn and grow together. We will be featuring Bill Flynn, CEO of Growth Advisors and Author of Further, Faster – The Vital Few Steps that take the Guesswork out of Growth. Mark your calendars and plan to join us! This will be a free event for two leaders from each GG company.
I’m often asked by potential clients, “What makes Growth Guru different and why have your customers achieved such great growth and success?” While there is a lot to unpack here, there are a few crucial components of Growth Guru that create impressive results. These components include:
Companies with “A” players and no or poor strategy, will only achieve “B” results – at best. But companies, even with “B” players, and a great strategy can achieve “A” results. Just imagine what can be achieved when we align “A” players and a great business strategy!?
The fact is, we will always be improving and tweaking processes and stopping unproductive activities. True growth comes from a smart team, all on the same page, committed to the same things, pulling in the same direction, being responsible for the results.
A great story about a retired professional football player was shared with me recently. The ex-football player was finding the business world to be quite frustrating compared to his professional football team. He commented, “When I was playing football, our team would get in a huddle, call the play, and then do everything possible to run that play correctly to score points. However here at this company, we all get in a meeting, call a play, and everyone goes off and does whatever the hell they want. And we never score.” ?Does this sound like your business??
A few questions to ask yourself if Growth Guru is right for you and your business.