Introducing First Fridays at Level Two! ...

FREE business education workshops and networking opportunities. Open to the public. Registration requested. Learn More

Thank you to these outgoing Level Two Board members for contributing their time, talent, and resources to the success of the Level Two non-profit: Lora Steele, Brian Wheeler, Courtney Zaugg

Welcoming new members to the Level Two Board of Directors…

AMBER SHEFFER?Amber is the CEO / Promotional Products Rockstar at JAM Printing & Promotions. Amber is an advocate for military veterans and small businesses, and volunteers time and a portion of their company’s profits towards organizations that support these groups. Amber also enjoys volunteering with Plainfield Kiwanis and community organizations and is a 2022 graduate of Leadership Hendricks County.

JANA MORRISON?Jana has been an invested member of Brownsburg and the greater Hendricks County community since moving to the area in 2005. Her passion to serve?others coupled with her ability to motivate people towards the best version of themselves have positioned her to be a servant-hearted leader within the organizations she’s contributed. Jana is the Executive Director of Leadership Hendricks County, whose mission is to seek, prepare, involve and sustain leaders from diverse backgrounds to address community and county wide changes.


Join us on the first Friday of every month in 2023 for free business workshops and seminars from local experts in various fields including finance, marketing, leadership, fundraising, and more!

Schedule:?8:30am - breakfast & networking | 9:00am - workshop begins

Location:?Level Two Coworking, located above Stone Creek in the Shops at Perry Crossing (park & enter elevator or stairwell doors behind Stone Creek)


JAN 6:?Jerry Vaught & John Baird?(J. Galt) present?"How to build credit for your business"

FEB 3:?Daniel Kinnamon?(Kinnamon Financial) presents?"Financial planning: separating business and personal finance"

MAR 3:?Susan Rozzi?(Rozzi and Associates) presents?"Beyond Being an Entrepreneur to Embracing Being a Team Leader"

APR 7:?Jill and Dustin Hunter?(Sunrift Capital Investments) present (TBD)

MAY 5:?Lora Steele?presents?"How to create job quality in your business"

JUN - DEC: Speakers TBA

Register for FREE:?


Avon Chamber of Commerce Community Calendar

Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce Community Calendar

Greater Danville Chamber of Commerce Networking Events

Plainfield Chamber of Commerce Events

Hendricks County CommUnity Calendar

Helping Hendricks Volunteer Opportunity Index

JAN 19 : Leadership Hendricks County Celebration of Leaders [IN-PERSON]

This year’s Celebration returns to the CRG Event Center for an evening of awards, delicious appetizers, and mingling with Hendricks County leaders. We’ll announce the Leader of the Year and Youth Leader of the Year and give everyone an update on what’s happening with your favorite leadership development program! Just $45/person, which includes heavy (and tasty) hors d’oeuvres. There will be a cash bar and more. Don’t miss it!


Susan Rozzi’s candid thoughts on teams and leadership…

Last month in?What Got You Here,?I shared that most good leaders succeed despite their various flaws. Yet, excellent behavioral competency, not technical skill, is what most often separates great leaders from good leaders. What’s a leader to do when they discover a place that hinders their ability to be a great leader and want to change?

As we wind down the year and start thinking about 2023, I thought I’d offer you some suggestions.

  • Limit your scope.?Focus on one or two vital issues that could be most impactful for growth in your current role.
  • Establish your “To Stop” list. Sometimes, correcting the behavior does not require polished skills, elaborate training, arduous practice, or supernatural creativity. All that’s required is the faint imagination to stop doing what you’ve done in the past – in effect, to do nothing at all. Example, “I am going to stop being dissatisfied when things aren’t done EXACTLY how I would do them.”
  • Start apologizing.?Start with these three words: “I am sorry.” Don’t explain it. Don’t complicate it. Don’t qualify it.
  • Finish with telling what you are going to do about it.?Define what you are going to do if you forget “to stop”. Example, “I am sorry for interrupting you. Please continue. I will wait for you to finish.”
  • Follow Up.?Follow-up is how we acknowledge to ourselves and others that getting better is an ongoing process. Simply ask the question, “Am I getting better at … ?” This makes us aware of our progress. It gives us the momentum, even the courage, to go beyond understanding what we need to do to change and actually do it. Engaging in the follow-up process allows us to see that we really are changing.
  • Get a coach.?If your leader is not supporting your growth, then find someone who will. You are worth it!

Great leaders are always learning,


[ Click to continue reading on the Rozzi and Associates blog. ]

DEC 21 : The 5 Biggest Mistakes You're Making In Your Direct Messages on LinkedIn [WEBINAR]

Presented By: Chaz Horn

The 5 Biggest Mistakes You're Making In Your Direct Messages on LinkedIn. Learn how to schedule Qualified Meetings on LinkedIn in 15 minutes or less. In this Masterclass, you will learn the strategies, tactics, and the process to Identify qualified prospects and seamlessly schedule qualified meetings.

Register for Free:?

DEC 21 : Lunch & Learn Toastmasters - Business Women Connect

Stop in for a visit and be a part of an amazing, funny, inspiring group. Join us for lunch; meet other ladies, (and a few good men) improve your communication, public speaking, and leadership skills and have fun while you’re doing it! We are a Toastmasters group designed FOR WOMEN (but not exclusive) to strengthen your presentation skills, build your leadership skills and improve communication, whether you are talking to 1 or 100 people.

Register for Free:?

DEC 21 : Business Networking - Westside Referral Rockstars

Business network on a weekly basis over lunch with decision-makers, owners and CEOs who want to give and receive referrals. The quick-paced agenda includes 60 second presentations, a 10 minute speaker and lots of enthusiasm. Clubs are industry exclusive with 15 to 30 business networkers from different companies.

Contact Barak Pauley - Call or text - 260-579-3720

Additional Info:?

DEC 26 : Interview Skills for Tech Career Success [ ON-DEMAND / WEBINAR]

Presented By: Natalia Garcia

Knowing how to succeed in an interview is a skill in itself, and one that you absolutely must master if you want to break into tech, or get that dream job. And it’s not just about having the right answers to the interviewers' questions. Your body language can reveal a lot about you, without you having to say a word!

Additional Info:?

DEC 31 : Gamifying Your Product Career [ ON-DEMAND / WEBINAR]

Presented By: Penny Ann

For this event, our guest will share a video-game-inspired template that can help shape and grow your product career. It all starts with defining your mission, and if you want to learn more about this clever career template, register today to catch the stream. This event is from one of the top talks at this year's ProductCon New York!

Additional Info:?

JAN 05 :?How To Start and Grow A Business [VIRTUAL SUMMIT]

In this exclusive Virtual Summit, 3 world-class speakers will be sharing their winning strategies to success on entrepreneurship as part of our monthly series. From innovative tactics to step-by-step guides, this virtual summit is designed to teach you how to get game-changing results. Plus, you won’t want to miss the easy-to-use formulas that will help you start and grow your business in 2023.

1-2PM EST - The 3 things that are stopping you from growing your business with?Katie Shea

2-3 PM EST - The Time Management Myth with?TJ Meagher

3-4 PM EST - Launch Your Passion Business & Design Your Freedom Lifestyle with?Michelle Mirpour

Learn More or Apply Here:?

JAN 11-15 : Real Success Live Personal Development [ONLINE SUMMIT]

In partnership with the REAL Success Network, we are excited to bring you one of the biggest online personal development summits focused on all areas of your life to help you conquer your goals! Be the first to access 5 days of the latest success secrets and insights from leading experts who have mastered key areas of life.

What You Will Learn:

  • How to master yourself and manifest what you want
  • How to untap the power of your mind
  • How to live your dream life
  • How to create real and sustainable success
  • How to make more money and become financially free
  • How to maximize your time and productivity
  • How to start and grow a business
  • How to succeed as an entrepreneur
  • How to live a healthier lifestyle
  • How to become happier
  • How to overcome mental and physical challenges

Register for Free:?


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