December 2018 Horoscopes
Important dates: December 7th, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day; the 21st, The Winter Solstice/Sun enters Capricorn; the 25th, Christmas; and the 26th, Kwanzaa.
Have holiday lights on if it is appropriate to your holiday. Nothing brings guests better than a light display during the holidays. Put lights on timers so that you don’t have to be home to have your lights come on. This also lets others think you are home when you may be off holiday shopping or visiting family, friends or neighbors. (As an aside, I also have motion lights on my house to cover the whole yard, driveway and front walkway for the same reason).
If you are a baker, bake all the great cookies and breads you usually do for the holidays. Nothing invites family, friends and neighbors in general to come into your home more than freshly baked items with those wonderful aromas filling your home and seeping through your doors or windows. Do you need to bake so many cookies? How many can we eat? After the holidays, I get to throw a good deal of them out to my squirrels which live on my property and they say thank you.
Have all of your shopping and wrapping done early. You can buy presents all year long and wait until after Thanksgiving for larger items or items that you want to make sure you can return.
Decorate the house at different times. You can put up the tree one night and then put up window and yard decorations over the next few days. Be sure the children are home, so that they can assist in making your home look beautiful for the holidays. Even though I’m sure they’ll complain at having to work and do something as lame as put up Christmas or holiday decorations, it will be good to show the children that these holidays are for families and families work together.
Write holiday cards when you have a few spare minutes throughout the fall. Many people put names and addresses on computer labels and I must admit I did that for many years. I have learned that they are very impersonal and it’s just like you are saying that you wanted to get that chore out of the way as quickly as possible and had no regard for the person it was being sent to. I hand write all my envelopes and messages inside each card rather than writing a longer typed Christmas-gram. It’s more personal and it’s very rare, so your card will stand out. I have received many comments on my original notes and how refreshing they were.
When getting ready to have a holiday party at your home, here are some tips: clean the house one day, set up the tables and cooking/serving dishes and glasses you will need another day (pop them in the dishwasher if they haven’t been used since the last big holiday), do the food shopping and preparing what you can ahead of time and on the day of the party, you can relax, get ready in a stress-free environment and have fun! Clean up can be done tomorrow or after your guests have gone. Some people actually pitch in and clean up as they go. If this is all right with you, by all means, accept the help. You’ve worked hard!
Or throw a load of dishes and glasses in the dishwasher, go to bed and rest so you can face the mess ahead of you in the light of day with a strong cup of coffee or tea in your hand!
Do simple things to help your party run smoother. Prepare the coffee ahead of time so that when it is time for your guests to have coffee (or tea), all you have to do is plug the pot in.
Put your milk pitcher in the refrigerator filled with cold water so it will be kept colder for a longer period of time after serving.
Make sure your table linens are clean. Check them at least a week before your party and clean what needs to be washed or sent to the dry cleaners.
Have holiday music playing in the background but be sure it is calming music and not blaring to disturb your guests. The idea is to let everyone enjoy themselves which includes chatting to one another to catch up on their lives with soft music playing in the background so you can hear one another.
Be careful about mistletoe. Many guests are shy so if they do not kiss the person they find under it, you may kid them about it once, but then let it go.
If this is a pot luck dinner, prepare a menu so you can tell everyone what they could bring to your home. If it’s not a pot luck dinner but others ask what they may bring, you can always suggest gourmet dips, crackers, breads, wine, sparkling apple cider, eggnog, a bottle of liquor or any dessert a dessert of their choice. Tell them how many guests you are expecting.
You do not need to put out every holiday decoration you have. As the children leave the nest, you can put up a modest yet tasteful display of decorations. The holidays are for us to relax and enjoy the season, not stress over all the decorations, where to move the furniture until after the holidays and rush out to buy the biggest live Christmas tree you can find. I find live trees dangerous, messy (I found pine needles the next July stuck in my rug and eventually my feet!). They need constant water and they seem to dry up quickly. Be careful.
Is an artificial tree out of the question? There are so many kinds of artificial trees that are pre-lit (a gift from Heaven) and in so many shapes and sizes, do we really have to spend a lot of money year after year and have yet another beautiful part of nature being cut down, destroyed and then burned when they are not sold? An artificial tree can be purchased after the holidays for very reasonable prices and they look good for at least ten years if cared for properly.
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Planets in the morning sky Mercury from the 3rd, Venus, and Jupiter from the 9th. Do not confuse Jupiter with Mercury latter half of the month. Jupiter is brighter. Planets in the night sky Mars and Saturn until the 16th. Retrogrades Mercury goes direct on the 7th; Uranus all month. The sun will go into Capricorn on the 21st.
ARIES – March 20 – April 18
Unexpected expenditures can eat up your finances quickly. Be sure to try to buy what you need and not what you want. Do not be too generous during the holidays this year as you usually are. Spending money for the holidays is just the beginning. You will have fun, enjoy holiday celebrations and won’t think twice about spending more than planned on a gift for a loved one. Your generosity of spirit is magnetic and extends to your friends who will expect an extra special gift. You may over spend on those you love. Career opportunities are plentiful and you are probably considering changing jobs or parts of your job that will bring you more attention, more income or where you will use your intellect. Things are getting boring. Your attention is not on work at this time, but in planning all the wonderful shopping, parties, travel and fun you hope to have during this month. Your practical side comes into play where you realize you need more rest and must limit your help to others who are always taking advantage of your kind nature. All in all, you are on the go, having fun, and connecting with friends and family who love your company.
TAURUS – April 18 – May 19
Communication is important now. Are you writing a book or being more creative during this time? If not, this will bring you much peace and happiness, so give it a try. Holiday travel seems important; however, make sure your travel plans are solid before venturing to your holiday destinations. Family conflicts may arise and seem unimportant to you, but the issues are important to others. Be tactful with your partner since much energy seems to want to make you “right” or in control of every situation. If you keep a cool head and compromise where appropriate, things should run quite smoothly. Don’t get into a battle of wits with your family and friends since this is the season of forgiveness and peace of mind, body and spirit. Change is good even though you may not feel it at the present time. If you find yourself in unexpected circumstances, just know that you are being guided on a different path. You may not wish to travel on this path; however, it would be in your best interest to at least look at the wonderful changes around you and the opportunities it will bring for future happiness, prosperity and good health.
GEMINI – May 20 – June 20
Home life tends to get somewhat stressful as you try to plan the perfect holiday party. This is a time for communication with family and let them know what you expect from them from the holidays and what you expect them to do to help you arrange a beautiful family gathering. Balance issues between your work load in your career and the responsibilities of your family weigh you down. Why can’t you delegate? Is it up to you to handle everything? Miscommunication is prevalent this month so be clear about your intent or what you are asking others to do for you. Repeat things so that you are on the same page as well. Are you working too much so that you are not avail Compromise is needed to avoid arguments with your partner or loved ones since you just don’t have much time to think things through properly and make an informed decision. You also get annoyed when people question where your time is spent and that you may be able to organize your life better. You do more than most of the other signs and you would like to be acknowledged for that, but just be happy that you are able to run your life the way you want to or else, you just pick up and find happiness elsewhere.
CANCER – June 21 – July 21
Love life and family seems to bring you much happiness and joy, even though you are handling too much of the responsibility. Be open to new relationships or trying to make your current ones better. New beginnings in the home, perhaps redecorating or some much needed repair projects, help you focus on your goals for the future. You may be starting over or feel as if you need the changes that are being thrust upon you. Make buying presents a special family occasion. Even though you may feel that change is unsettling, it will be a positive experience, so give it a chance. A good time to take care of any health issues so they won’t get worse. Differences of traditions and philosophies of life will be tested and you may be persuaded to look at things from different perspectives. Even though you may want to stay home this holiday season, be a bit flexible if your partner wants to travel to visit family. Staying home means you have to cook and entertain; however, it also makes you feel comfortable to be in your own home to do whatever you want to. Using your intellect to make decisions rather than emotional ones will help you choose the better option.
LEO – July 22 – August 22
Partnerships may not be as stable as you would like. Take time to find out what is bothering your personal/business partner. It will be worth it in the end. It is important for you to entertain your family and friends, but be mindful of your health. Take enough time for yourself and let others give you a hand in the kitchen or with the preparations. This is a good time to rejuvenate, relax and do whatever you feel is important for yourself and your happiness. It is a time to help others get more organized and as usual, you help others with their challenges and issues and are always going the extra mile. This is also a time where you will take on the responsibility of a family issue. Do the best you can to help those family members compromise; however, don’t beat yourself up if it does not go the way you feel it should. You have done your best and sometimes things just have to work themselves out. Arguing is probable if you let yourself get caught up in the politics of an issue. Be aware of the explosive energy surrounding you and do your best to diffuse all negative situations.
VIRGO – August 23 – September 21
Unusual circumstances may make you realize that things may not be as you originally thought. Double check what people say to you and get everything in writing. This is not a great time to trust acquaintances. Holidays are always stressful, so if you are more relaxed and plan well in advance, your holidays will run quite smoothly. Getting your list and checking it twice is a great way for a Virgo to start their holiday shopping. Know what you want to spend and then comparison shop so you get the best price for the item, as if you wouldn’t do that anyway! Try not to take life so seriously now as it is supposed to be fun. If there are any issues that you do not agree with, let them go for now and deal with them after the holidays. Situations with personal and business partnerships may be confusing and upsetting at times, so be prepared to stand your ground and give your frank opinion in a tactful manner. Career may be changing in many ways and it would be helpful for you to know in which direction you would like to proceed. Do you want your own home-based business? If so, go for it now as the energy around you is positive and open to so many wonderful possibilities to accomplish your future goals and dreams.
LIBRA – September 22 – October 22
Spending money for beautiful things is a constant in your life; however, it may be time to ask your partner if he or she agrees with your gift choices. Ask for his or her opinions of gifts for the family and your closest friends. Consulting a partner on financial choices or where you spend the family riches will allow you to spend more freely. Much good energy is around you so plan what steps you would like to take to accomplish some dreams and goals. Your personality shifts to being more self-confident with less issues regarding insecurities and anxieties. This is the time for you to accomplish what needs to be done. Career, travel and spiritual pursuits all seem to become important at the same time so be prepared to be scattered and yet, you will be having the time of your life exploring all the possibilities around you.
SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21
You are interested in getting a makeover or buying new clothes that may be a new fashion style. You are updating your look and it does make others notice you a bit more. Traveling may be tricky so it would be best for you to double check your plans as it seems that there may be a minor glitch that hinders you in some your way. This does not mean that you should not travel, but it seems to be a time where extra planning and alternative plans will keep everyone calm and in control of their holidays! Running around at the last minute to get your shopping done can be exhausting task, so use the web to order some on line gifts, if you feel that’s appropriate. You just need some down time, relaxation time, and family time for your own enjoyment and well-being. You would like to plan things in advance and that’s a wonderful idea, but be flexible enough to know that all plans do not turn out exactly as we hope. Unexpected outcomes many times are better than our original plans. Go with the flow. Have a wonderful time.
SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 20
You want to learn a lot of things – you enjoy knowledge. Classes, lectures or seminars may be popping up over the next few months that would be beneficial to you in some way. There may also be some training classes that you need to take for your job. Get up and go to holiday parties, friends’ get-togethers or that holiday getaway with a loved one even though he or she may not want to leave home. Try to be a little more sensitive with a loved one’s feelings as it seems you may be somewhat tactless or thoughtless to his or her needs. This may be because you are so caught up in the whirlwind around you, or the holiday season, that you don’t have time for petty nonsense. You may be on different wavelengths so try to find common ground. Home life may be a bit too hectic for your taste and you may try to go out or not deal with specific issues. They will not go away, so deal with them directly. A good outcome will result from any effort you put into making positive changes in work, formal education, long distance travel and finances, so start thinking about which areas of life you would like to change and start making a few small changes throughout the season.
CAPRICORN – December 21 – January 18
Networking becomes effortless as you meet many more people through new clubs, memberships and organizations. New friends and associations help propel your career through this holiday season. Be careful not to let your personal and business lives conflict with each other as it won’t be worth the time and trouble. Deal with each area of life separately and complete any unfinished projects or endeavors. Being organized for the upcoming year will help you get a jump on your goals. Lists will help you with this organization and will help you focus on your priority issues. Go out and have some fun. You can’t be all business or too serious now since this is the time to be happy and jolly! Accept holiday party invitations and do some of the entertaining yourself. You will feel very relaxed and others will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
AQUARIUS – January 19 – February 17
Many changes that you needed in your life for a while are now starting to occur. Be certain about your goals and go after them. Your creative and artistic abilities are amplified during this festive season so don’t be afraid to show off your abilities to family and friends. Spirituality is more important as you unfold the meaning of your traditional beliefs. This is a good time to think about what you want to do in the future, perhaps in a creative field or perhaps to take creative classes you never had the time to take in the past. What a wonderful time for you to look into new cultures and traditions. You may wish to kick back and unwind during the holidays and not have the traditional holiday meals or parties with your family. You may wish to keep a day for yourself where you could organize your home, entertain other family members or friends or just relax and watch the blinking lights on the Christmas tree or other holiday decorations. Energy abounds and you wish to accomplish so much. You can do anything you need to do at this time, but limit yourself to a few tasks per day so you can re-energize and continue on the fast track that you have been living on for the last year.
PISCES – February 18 – March 19
You have lots to do, but you may feel as if you would rather just watch TV, read or do things around the house. You may be procrastinating a bit around the holidays. Do one thing each day, so that when the holidays are here, you will be ready to celebrate! Loved ones would be adaptable enough when unexpected circumstances change your plans at the last minute. These changes may be better than your original plans. If circumstances seem confusing or dramatic, this is the best time to take that energy and turn it into a positive result. Things go very well, then fall apart, so it’s best that you just deal with situations as they happen rather than projecting the best or worst scenario for them. The negativity around you is disappearing and you need to reinforce the positive energy that you know is protecting and guiding you to do the right thing. Love issues may be a tender spot, so understand what the issue is and then do something to resolve it. Using your mental agility will help you to optimistically deal with any concerns that come your way. Career issues may be pushed to the foreground and some very important decisions about your future will need to be made. Be sure you have all the facts before jumping to conclusions that may be incorrect. Now is the time to make appropriate adjustments to goals.
Vikki Anderson has been teaching metaphysical philosophies for over 46 years and does private and group consultations, as well as lectures and workshops for corporate events and private parties in astrology, tarot and Feng Shui. For appointments or more information, please visit and