December 19, 2022 issue of The Zweig Letter
What is project leadership?
Justin Smith
Successful PMs use their skills to leverage tools, motivate actions, and accomplish objectives, which is the essence of leadership.
Emotional intelligence
Jay Kennedy & Julie Thiel
Be thoughtful in how you approach and manage your emotions, and you will find success building and maintaining meaningful client relationships.
Incentivizing: Sean Sullivan
President of Living Stone (Black Mountain, NC), a design-build firm that has been crafting luxury, award-winning custom homes for more than 25 years.
Quality through connections
Kevin Bertrand
Strong connections lead to strong communications and successful outcomes, so it’s important that we listen, understand, and respond in ways that are supportive.
Questions that need to be answered
Mark Zweig
None of these questions may seem profound, but they all merit asking and honestly answering.