December 18, 2022
Kannan Subbiah
FCA | CISA | CGEIT | CCISO | GRC Consulting | Independent Director | Enterprise & Solution Architecture | Former Sr. VP & CTO of MF Utilities | BU Soft Tech | itTrident
The waterfall model of development involved the explicit passing of responsibilities between highly specialized design, development, QA, and release teams. It also involved lengthy feedback loops. Scrum and agile methodologies made the entire SDLC more flexible and nimble by introducing sprints and allowing more frequent iterative development and delivery. Further, DevOps and DevSecOps focus on removing the silos between development, operations, and security through tooling and automation. As a result, the time to market and quality have improved dramatically. Adding shift left testing into the mix better positions teams to handle the broad range of responsibilities from the design stage through the maintenance stage as effectively as possible. Shift left testing focuses on prevention rather than detection. Shift left benefits include the following:Increase efficiency by eliminating bugs earlier in the SDLC: Reduce human errors and associated costs;?Increase delivery speed and reduce the time between releases;?Improve the quality of software;?Gain a competitive advantage.
The blue teams are responsible for establishing security measures around an organization's key assets. Therefore, the blue team conducts a risk assessment by identifying threats and weaknesses these threats can exploit after obtaining data and documenting what needs to be protected. Blue teams perform risk assessments. They identify critical assets, determine what impact their absence will have on the business, and document the importance of these assets. Following that, employees are educated on security procedures, and stricter password policies are implemented to tighten access to the system. A monitoring tool is often installed to log and check access to systems. As part of regular maintenance, blue teams will perform DNS audits, scan internal and external networks for vulnerabilities, and capture network traffic samples. Senior management has a crucial role in this stage since only they can accept a risk or implement mitigating controls. As a result, security controls are often selected based on their cost-benefit ratio.
Think about yourself as a customer for a moment, about how many businesses have your personal information housed in their data warehouses. Even if they have your permission to store your details and notify you of relevant promotional offers, this does not guarantee your information will not be leaked at some point. Data leaks are not going away any time soon, so businesses focused on enhancing personal and relevant customer experiences—while remaining committed to protecting your privacy—are fast waking up to the value of synthesizing their structured data. By structured data, I mean the hundreds/thousands/millions of rows of data that live in places like databases or CSV files. We’re talking about billions of data points, and this number continues to grow. Here, AI trains on the original data and generates a synthetic version of that data which is privacy safe, with zero links back to any original data points. Not only is it statistically representative, but the data can be modified during the synthesization process; for example, an existing bias can be corrected to produce a more balanced data set.
An air-gapped network's DNS server connected to the enterprise IT system has connections to the public DNS system on the internet even if it's kept behind a firewall. That's because of the nature of the DNS system, Uriel Gabay, a Pentera security researcher, tells Information Security Media Group. The DNS is the decentralized system that translates domain names into the numerical IP addresses needed for routing across a network. A large majority of organizations surveyed by IDC earlier this year said they experienced some type of DNS attack in 2022. Most DNS traffic is sent over the UDP protocol, meaning there isn't built-in error detection for packets sent and received as there is in TCP. It's the "received" part of a DNS response that poses a risk. Given the possibility for a DNS request to trace the hops from an air-gapped network to the enterprise network to a public DNS server, a datagram originating from outside the air gap is ultimately received by a computer on the inside. "You allow the response to come into your organization because this is the meaning of allowing the protocol.
JavaScript is a powerful programming languages that is a vital part of the World Wide Web. 98 percent of several sites use it as a client-side programming language. Originally utilized only to build internet browsers, JavaScript is currently used for server-side website deployments and non-internet browser applications.?...?Java is a Most Liked programming language that is widely utilized for creating client-server applications. The main benefit of Java is that it is treated as a loosely connected programming language that can be simply worked on any platform and can support Java. Due to this, Java is referred to as the programming language that enable its users to “write once and implement anyplace.” ...?Python is simply to learn, object-oriented, and flexible language. It is the best choice of most developers who wish to work on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It is even utilized for frontend and backend development, web robotization, PC vision, and code testing. With the growth in prerequisite and demand for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Python is popular for the upcoming years.
Private Channels can be accessed by those members of the team who were included in the Private Channel. And this is very critical and important to understand. You cannot invite just about anyone into Private Channel. You can only invite users who are already a member of the overall Team. In other words, using the example I mentioned above, I can only include John and Mary in the private channel, who are already members of the Team. I cannot invite David, who is not part of my Team in the first place. So think of Private Channels as almost a separate membership roster available in the overall Team roster (membership). ... The Shared Channel is represented by a “shared” icon on the channel name and is only visible to the members of that shared channel only. It would be invisible to the users who are regular team members and who are not members of that channel. ... You probably already guessed that the file management model for the Shared Channel resembles that of a Private Channel. Just like with Private Channel, a separate SharePoint site is created. It has the same naming convention: [name of the team]-[name of the shared channel].