December 13, 2024: The perfect date to end the triple FALSE charity

December 13, 2024: The perfect date to end the triple FALSE charity

I should rather title:


December 13, 2024: The perfect date to initiate a surge of REAL charity


In Saturday's post, I had stated that "we all need money to live".

This statement is not "really True". It lacks accuracy.

? We need clean water to drink.

? We need healthy food.

? We need clean air.

? We need energy to heat ourselves, to cook and to move around.

? We need clothes to wear ourselves.

? We need to exchange goods.

? We need human contact, respect, and dignity.

? On the other hand, we do NOT STRICTLY need money.


With the current situation in Syria, it is essential to understand this:


Money only encourages our bad behaviour (theft, drugs, prostitution, wars and arms trafficking, human trafficking, child labour, paedophilia, slavery, attempts to dominate one human being over another, etc.).


I mention Syria here, without forgetting other nations. There is no part of the world that is spared.

Therefore, it seems appropriate to me to better understand our individual needs:


1??. If we take the case of France. There is a systemic hypocrisy.

Under the pretext of wanting to help another, we prevent him from helping himself and from helping us at the same time.

We have everything in this system. Everything except trust in others.

As the lack of confidence has been passed down from one to another, from generation to generation, children have ended up lacking self-confidence.

These children grow up and still have no self-confidence. In order not to generate discomfort in their parents, teachers or doctors, children end up keeping quiet; while they know very well how to perceive where the problem comes from!

This creates a terrible opposition. Those who still lack self-confidence are unable to see the good that those who have already regained self-confidence are trying to spread.

This is typical of a lack of charity (see definition below).


2??. We see a multiplication of associations and foundations. The idea of multiplying "good deeds" would seem interesting:

? It is interesting for the richest donors. It is always better to invest in concrete actions rather than with a bad manager who taxes excessively.

? It is interesting for activists and those who want to do well without complicating their efforts with a business creation. Too taxed anyway.

? On the other hand, it is not useful for volunteers who spend time there without being able to feed themselves.

? Sometimes, it is even done to the detriment of the beneficiaries. In any case, this is what Philippe Toulouse explains in his book.

This is still a lack of charity (see the definition).




( Please translate the French page (more accurate).

According to Judaism, charity is synonymous with "Justice".

In Christianity, it is above all the love of one's neighbour.


We did not (officially) choose our body before earthly incarnation.

We did not choose our parents, our family or "the sidewalks of Manila, Paris or Algiers to learn to walk" (quote from Maxime Le Forestier's song "Né quelque part"


Loving one's neighbour means having the empathy necessary to understand the other's situation without the interference (that is, without judgment) of everything that has served as our identity until now (our birth, our parents, our beliefs transmitted from generation to generation).


"Charity begins at home?.


The other is only a reflection of ourselves. This means that we are asked to learn to love what seems uncomfortable to us at first in the other.

Thus, we must appreciate the best part of what the other has to offer.

Our education and conditioning have led us to beliefs that limit our interactions and our connections.


TRUE charity is to allow any other to shine as our Creator has decided to make them shine. Because our Creator has also decided to make us shine too.


? For example, the richest can give a lot of money because Life has:

?? Either given them money by birth.

?? Either allowed them to meet the right contacts.

?? Either given them the ability to understand how money works.


? Those who know how to sing must give the best of their voice so that we can benefit from it. It is their talent, and this talent must be shared. This is what it means to be charitable: to share the best that we have in us.


? Those who have knowledge must be able to share it freely.

This is not the case in a state that calls itself Republican and Secular like France.

This is also not the case in a state like China or Iran (We will see why below).


3??. Let's take the case of Syria again.

? Sending money (thoughtless charity) would only allow the purchase of weapons. It would therefore be counterproductive.

? On the other hand, if we provide food, medicine, doctors, and honest humans, as well as the security of not being occupied by a neighbouring territory; then, the Syrians will have had what they really need: peace, and the serenity to rebuild their country (better distributed charity).


Let's now look at all the subjects that upset (laughs) AND that bring us together in the end.


None of us knows absolutely everything. Our traditions have been passed down from generation to generation without any of them taking the time to question everything.


How could we have taken this time since we needed money to live?
How could we have questioned since external events forced us to submit to the strongest?
How could we have questioned the previous generation AND transmitted to the next generation while maintaining the legitimacy of our transmission?


There remains and will always remain a part of Mystery.

This is why it is always useful to know how to ask the right questions. This is also why a good leader knows how to answer them without saying too much. Well, except for the exception that proves the rule.




The tradition concerning the wearing of the Kippa is one of the most anchored. According to this Historian, this tradition would have been imposed on the Jewish people by the Romans:



In 2 Corinthians 3, we find:

“…14 But they became hard of mind. For to this day the same veil remains when they read the Old Testament, and it is not removed, because it is in Christ that it disappears. 15 To this day, when Moses is read, a veil is thrown over their hearts; 16 but when the hearts are converted to the Lord, the veil is taken away…”


It is a question of the “veil of illusion”. The one who made us adhere to a dogma instead of seeking to perceive the Word beyond words.

Certainly, Moses guided his People to the Promised Land (of the time). However, he massacred half of them. However, he had the tablet of laws with him "You shall not kill". Those who could not understand the message he brought back from the Mountain died after the episode of the Golden Calf.


The most mysterious thing for me is that Moses acted very well at the time.

He had to act like this to allow part of the People to survive.

He had to act like this for the passage from Corinthians to be written in this way.


Similarly, it was necessary for my name to appear in the Bible in 633 and for Humanity to live through all these wars and all these oppositions so that we have, today, the collective maturity to advance in Unity.

It took me 3 readings of this passage to understand that it was about me.

I had to receive the grace of a moment of love without ego to initiate my path back to the Creator.

I had to make peace with the past to welcome the present while mastering my gifts of guidance.


Being a good leader means letting everyone move forward at their own pace.

By the way:


Thank you, Mr. President Emmanuel Macron ??!


As a woman, I was forced to forgive myself for being a woman.

Forgive myself for existing when no interpretation worthy of Unity can justify treating a woman less well than a man!!!


Even Genesis was written by a man at a time in our History when men had not understood the great usefulness of feminine pedagogy.


I have noticed that many Muslims want to impose the veil on their wife or daughter for fear of other men.

On the one hand, Iranian women explain it to us very well. The veil is far from preventing wandering hands: quite the contrary, it would even be a pretext in public transport.

On the other hand, our Creator is in direct contact with each one of us. He knows what Right is and what is not.


Let us be clear:

We, women, must learn to manage our hormonal fluctuations. We must learn to respect what we offer of ourselves.

You, men, must also learn to control your ardour. Nothing is yours; not even your body which belongs to our Creator.


It is certainly not up to women to submit when the concern comes from a poor control of your masculinity.


If you have doubts, read the passage from the prophet Daniel with Suzanne.


Whether or not to wear a veil is an individual matter between a human and our Creator. Anyone who would like to impose the wearing of a veil, OR its removal is nothing other than a false prophet.




For each of you, it is time to reestablish the Truth.

There is nothing that is contrary to being both materialistic AND spiritual. It is still necessary to know how to master the use of the energy of abundance.

There is a materialistic ego just as there is a spiritual ego.

Eating the apple is consuming too much of one without balancing the other.


Many Christians and Muslims later, were ashamed of money.

However, we owe the name "Blood Money" to the Jewish priests who condemned Jesus, who let Judas go hang himself, and who, then, refused to relay the resurrection of Christ.


Years later, since everyone believed that money would be cursed, it was other Jews who agreed to take care of it.


It would be ridiculous to blame the Jews when it was Christians and Muslims who refused to take care of it.


What is most worrying now is the creation of money, the usury rate, and the hypocrisy of some bankers.

As for the creation of money and the usury rate, the rules are changing.


Banking hypocrisy is what I call FALSE banking charity.

We find bank advertising leaflets that explain all the financial donations to the poor and to associations.


What generosity! What FALSE charity, when we know that it is the levies and fees charged only to the poorest that pay for this "great" generosity!


Obviously, everyone must be able to live. Bankers. This is why the monetary and banking system is being reset.

There is no question of finding another "president of the Bank of France" spending 3 times the minimum wage on luxury hotels; while the Bank of France makes decisions on "banking bans" that are unjustified from a human point of view.




On several occasions, I have mentioned Universal Income.

This could benefit everyone, and priests, imams, rabbis, and monks in their respective countries.


As a reminder, money has played an important role over the centuries.

The Church of Rome decided to prohibit priests from marrying. This was only in 1074. Note that Gregory VII also prohibited "concubinage" since it must have been widespread at the time.



For your information, marriage from a Universal energetic point of view is the union of two bodies. There is no need to be recognized by the Mayor or the Priest.




Christ's favourite was always Mary Magdalene. She was the first to discover the resurrection of Christ. She should have been entrusted with the Church of Rome.

At the time, this would have been frowned upon and resented. Despite Peter's denial, he was entrusted with the Church.


How many Catholics have heard of the Nag Hammadi Codex?

I only heard this name at the end of 2020. However, the manuscripts were discovered in 1945.

We owe a lot to the Copts and to the Muslim Brotherhood who were able to protect the Copts.



Judas is rehabilitated.



Mary Magdalene too.


What some people learn from their research, others receive directly through the Holy Spirit and meditation.


Discernment is needed! Believing that we know because it is written is no more enough than tradition.

Believing that we know because it is what our instinct tells us is not always enough either.


There is a time, like today, when we must know how to combine the two.

Combine the past and the future for a present that is a true gift for Humanity.


There is a time when we must understand that we are ALL part of Unity, of Universal Consciousness.

Some are atheists, others are Muslims, others are Christians and others are Buddhists. Among these, some are attracted to men, others to women; sometimes both.

Our Creator is in each of us.


The three FALSE charities.


There have been three FALSE charities:

?? That linked to money, which over the centuries was taken up by the Lord of London when he paid off the debt of the British Crown.

? On the other hand, bankers and financiers are useful in allowing a fair exchange between all humans on the planet.

?? That of the Church of Rome. No follower of any religion should "believe" that a priest could guarantee paradise against a legacy to good works.

? On the other hand, priests and religious would be useful in allowing us to access True Christic knowledge.

?? That of the armed wing of Washington. No people can be fooled any more by the pretexts of protection and pacification used in the past.

? On the other hand, we still need men and women who are competent in logistics, dialogue, and mediation.


We need support and certainly not a Savior.
We already had one. It was Jesus Christ.
None of us will ever be able to play the role of Savior again.
We are only fellow travellers.




I could introduce myself in many ways.

All of them would be Right AND wrong at the same time. They would ALL depend on how you perceive me.

So, it is not up to me to say WHO I AM.

The stars have already spoken. Those who know best make sure to guide me where I need to go.


There is one thing I have learned recently. It seems that the Jewish people would make sure to give the 13th territory to the Messiah.

As far as I am concerned, the territory of my Creator is the entire planet because I come in peace wherever I must go.

On the other hand, there would be no territory that could be secured for the one who vibrates in insecurity.


Today is a day of Truth, where we understand that the 13th territory is an internal territory (


The Messiah IS in You, in each of You, in each of Us. Because WE ARE ONE. Whatever is done to the least is also done to the greatest.


? The 13th territory is the one who questions everything.

? The one who can decide to say NO to his best friend without losing that friendship.

? The one who can decide to say YES to his oldest enemy and grow in Humanity.


I thank you for following me so far.

I am granting myself the first Real vacation of my life. You can always come and get me. I will be fully available from Epiphany.


Very Happy Holidays to All, whatever way you celebrate them.


Nathalie Croz

Nature: Human, equivalent to the 8 billion other humans on Earth -

Function: Spiritual, political, and organizational guide



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