Decarbonizing 92% of What's on the Road Now
According to climate experts, we've got to cut carbon output by 50% by 2030.
According to JD Power: "Electric vehicles account for less than 1% of the 250 million vehicles, SUVs, and light-duty trucks sold in the United States. Because only around 17 million new cars are being built each year, changing the vehicles from gas-powered to electric will be a long process, especially as far as the government is concerned." FULL ARTICLE.
Meanwhile, we've got an annual idling epidemic of cars and trucks in the balance of some 92% fossil fuelled vehicles generating some 8.8 billion gallons of fuel, and 44 million tons of carbon from coast-to-coast in the U.S. and Canada.
At minimum of 80% of this can be eliminated, when folks understand how to effectively idle manage their vehicles for the 21st Century. Currently, they have no context or clue. And the manufacturers of their vehicle unanimously agree; idling when parked is the worst operating condition for your vehicle, your fuel bill, air quality and carbon output..!?
So, here's the $64 million dollar question: Do we think that we will reach our 50% carbon goal by 2030 while idling our cars and trucks as we are idling them now??
Look around town (though the exhaust is hard to see, and you'll rarely see running lights anymore on idling cars and trucks). We have a generation of personal truck operators who will not shut their vehicle off, ever, when driving and parking around town. You've seen them, in the grocery store parking lot, the drug store parking lot, etc. The ball field.?
They believe that a dozen restarts a day will kill their starter. That idling in general, is better for the vehicle. That long warmups are the best. These are all patently false notions?which make up the '60's idling' social memes handed down to us from grandad. They made some sense in the carburetor era, but not in today's finely tuned, computer driven, catalytic converter managed, space aged vehicle technology. In fact, '60's idling' is the worst operating condition for today's vehicles. Do not take our word for it. Ask your service tech. Your mind will be blown (mine was too).?
I know very well how heavy idlers think and behave because I was 'the Canadian idler' myself. As I document in my program, I'm saving about 200 to 300 engine hours a year, without freezing or overheating (in terms of seasonality, eight months of the year, at least 80% of our existing idling habit can be eliminated). Oh yeah. I've probably saved $8K in fuel in all my vehicles since the auto experts taught me how to properly idle manage things.?
And, what most of us fail to realize, is that universally, today's vehicles are built to help you go idle free (when parked AND it makes sense). If it's a scorching day (most days of the year it is not), I'd be the first one running the vehicle for some AC. Absolutely. However, once you get the 'idle management' bug, you realize the mind blowing metrics and that your 'always on' beliefs can be modified to save you $1,000 and 400 engine hours in that F150!?
Here's how we get serious about decarbonizing what's on the road now. What we require are federal, state and provincial policies that mandate vehicle operators, (beginning with fleet operators) to update their drivers' idle management skills for operating their 21st Century fossil fuelled vehicles. At home and at work. The net result will be nation wide cuts in carbon and exhaust pollution while saving individuals 100s of engine hours and typically up to 40% of their fuel bill annually.?
Cuts in carbon for fossil-fuelled fleet operators are astronomical! Have a look.?
Find out more with our CleanCities deck:?
IDLE FREE for our kids? for Fleets.
Behavior Modification. Certification. Branding.
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8 个月Ron, thanks for sharing!