To Decant or Not to Decant? That is the Question.
Judy Tierney
World Travel Expert | Real Estate Investor, Agent & Coach | Best Selling Author | Multiple Income Strategist
To Decant or Not to Decant? That is the Question.
Do you ever wonder whether you should open a bottle of wine early or decant it before you drink it?
Decanting – the process of pouring wine from its original bottle into a glass vessel called a decanter – helps aerate your wine and separate out sediment that may have settled at the bottom of the bottle. This is mostly going to be for bigger, drier reds that need some time to open and breathe a bit.
So how do you know when you should decant?
Jon McDaniel, sommelier and head of wine education at Scout & Cellar, says he gets this question all the time.
“There are two very important parts about decanting,” he explains. “First, it's all about personal preference - that is why tasting the wine first before you decant is key.”?
McDaniel compares decanting with adding extra spice to food. “Would you add extra pepper to a dish before tasting it?” he asks. “If you notice the wine just isn't singing the way you think it should, decanting may be the answer.”?
Second, McDaniel says that most of the effect of decanting happens in just pouring from one vessel to another. So, just the act of pouring into a decanter will make a world of difference!
?#CleanCraftedWine #WineWednesday #WineEducation #WineWisdom