Decaf announces bounty and challenge prizes at the Etherfuse & Solana Hackathon
Decaf, the digital wallet and payment platform, has announced a set of bounty and challenge prizes for participants in the?Etherfuse?&?Solana?Hackathon?at?Instituto Politécnico Nacional?in Mexico City from the 24th to 26th. The prizes are aimed at inspiring developers to create innovative solutions leveraging blockchain technology for improving payments and remittances.
The?Payments Track?offers a $2000 USDC prize for ideas and solutions that make payments better leveraging blockchain technology. Decaf is open to all ideas, but has suggested some possibilities to help participants get started. These include making it easy to send money peer to peer, splitting bills with friends, and creating web3 rewards programs.
Similarly, the?Remittances Track?also offers a $2000 USDC prize for improving sending money abroad with blockchain technology. Decaf has suggested ideas such as removing middlemen, creating cash<>crypto exchanges, and using social media bots for peer to peer exchange prices. The goal is to reduce fees, remove middlemen, and make remittances faster and more accessible.
In addition to the two tracks, Decaf is also running a?Challenge?for posting a video on social media with the hashtag #DecafWallet. The best video showcasing the use of?Decaf Wallet?to withdraw pesos at any MoneyGram location or sending USDC via DecafLink in WhatsApp will win a $250 USDC prize. Decaf is also offering a $10 USDC bonus for anyone who sends USDC to a family or friend and they post a video with the hashtag #DecafWallet.
In summary, $4,250 USDC is up for grabs at the #EtherfuseHackathon
Decaf’s bounty and challenge prizes are part of its efforts to revolutionize the payments and remittances industry. With a market worth $240 trillion, payments disruption is less than 1% done. Decaf is leading the charge by leveraging blockchain technology to create faster, cheaper, and more accessible payment and remittance solutions.
Interested developers can participate in the Etherfuse & Solana Hackathon and submit their solutions for Decaf’s bounty and challenge prizes. Decaf is committed to supporting the development of innovative blockchain solutions that will change the way we think about payments and remittances.
Sign up here:
Bonus Prizes!
Additionally, Decaf will be showing off our Point of Sales at the Etherfuse Hackathon. At the event you can use your Solana Wallet to buy Decaf and Solana Pay merch with USDC! For every purchase you will receive SAMO tokens as cashback for each purchase. Additionally, there will be exclusive NFT giveaways and discounts for holders. Keep an eye out for it!
There is a bonus?$750 USDC?of prizes for participants who write an article about the Decaf PoS.
In total there is over $5,000 USDC available for the Hackathon with Decaf, and over 10,000 USDC of prizes in total!
Remember — with the Decaf Wallet, you can withdraw cash in pesos with your USDC at any MoneyGram location with 0 fees! Using the?Stellar blockchain. This includes Oxxo in Mexico.
So your USDC winnings are completely interchangeable for cash in over 175 countries!
Come and build the future of payments and remittances on blockchain with us at the Etherfuse Hackathon! We’re looking forward to seeing you there!