A decade working at ExoClick! Marcelo Garetto

A decade working at ExoClick! Marcelo Garetto

Join us in celebrating Marcelo's 10th work anniversary at ExoClick! Marcelo has been a Designer & Digital Media Producer at ExoClick for over a decade, and has been a key part of its growth towards becoming the great international company with leading recognition in the sector that it is today!

What have you enjoyed the most about working at ExoClick during the last 10 years?

I like being able to participate in several projects at the same time, not only for ExoClick, but for all the EXOGROUP's brands, transversally. It gives me the chance to experience a more global vision of each brand, along with the experience of its members professionally and personally. Each project is very different from the previous one, which helps me break the daily routine and requires applied skills and tools to carry them out successfully.

What has been your biggest “lesson learned” in these 10 years?

Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize! And how necessary it is to adapt to the personality and needs of each individual member who participates in each project.

What are a few ways in which you think working at ExoClick helped you grow as a professional and individual over the years?

Being part of a company which with a worldwide presence has had a huge impact on my personal and professional growth, and in the way in which I perceive the world. Also, knowing that we lead the market and seeing that other companies look at us as a reference shows that the work done is solid, which makes me proud of being a part of the ExoClick team! Lastly, belonging to a company which grows continuously has taught me more about adaptability (Both to new people and to increasingly bigger teams!) and the ongoing constructive feedback has really helped me shape my work as a designer.?

How has your job role and your team evolved over the last 10 years?

At first I started working exclusively for ExoClick as a designer for the creation of web pages, landing pages, and video banners for some clients. Over time, new tasks were added such as internal communication with HR, production of trade shows in different countries, annual company events, team buildings, Christmas parties, among others. Then new brands started being a part of the game - I can proudly say that I participated in the definition and development of most of them, as well as in the production of promotional material through different communication channels! So, summarizing, my work has become more complex overtime, with more tasks, brands and projects, which also reflects the company’s growth!

What about ExoClick? Has the company changed a lot over the years?

Definitely! Change is the only constant in the universe... And the same can be applied to ExoClick! Along with the company's growth, I have been able to see the progress of many professionals that have grown with the company. I strongly believe that our team’s great human qualities and hard-working nature have led this growth, achieving incredible results in taking ExoClick to where it is today: A great international company with leading recognition in its sector!

We are a big family here at ExoClick and diversity, hard work and creativity is highly valued! Want to become a part of the ExoClick family? Check out our open positions in our Career pages!



