A Decade of Planet Mark – EVORA Global Achieves Certification for 10th Year Running
EVORA Global
The next level of Real Asset Sustainability, driven by Collaborative Expertise.
We are thrilled to announce that EVORA Global has achieved Planet Mark certification for the tenth consecutive year.
Planet Mark is a highly-regarded sustainability certification that verifies and measures carbon and social data to reduce emissions and achieve the UN SDGs. The certification recognises continuous improvement, encourages action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals who make a world of difference.
In 2023 at EVORA, we reduced our measured carbon by 16.6% per employee from the previous year, despite continued growth and staff numbers increasing by over double.
Carbon emissions from our waste were reduced by 80% compared to last year, with paper consumption witnessing a 93% reduction, a hugely positive step to becoming paperless.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interrelated goals set by the United Nations to cover a broad range of social and economic development issues. EVORA contributed toward 9 SDGs, up from 5 in 2022.
Building emissions have also decreased by 3.5% compared to last year, with natural gas being reduced by 26%.
Overall, we are extremely pleased with our results and are proud to have achieved Planet Mark for a decade. Thank you to our amazing team for all their hard work and here’s to another 10 years of sustainability and making a positive impact!
“We are so pleased to have received Planet Mark certification for the 10th year – what a brilliant achievement!”
Tia Micunovic, EVORA UK Operations and Corporate Events Manager
“We’re really proud to celebrate a decade of certification to Planet Mark. We work every day with our clients to promote and deliver a transition to a more sustainable world. ?Our certification to Planet Mark is just one of the ways we demonstrate that we practice the behaviour we encourage in others. ?Celebrating 10-years is a major landmark, and a demonstration that everybody at EVORA is committed to being a sustainable and responsible business as we continue to grow the impact of our work around the world.”
Matt Browne, Associate Director