A Decade of Lessons
Denika Carothers CLC, CSC, MCC
Creator of the Empathic Leadership Training Program | Leadership Development | Mental & Emotional Wellness Specialist | Empathic Leadership Coach
This year I turned 51.
In a ten year span I experienced the beginning of a decade, the ending of a decade and on January 1st, 2020 I will experience the beginning of a new decade.
We are on the cusp of a not only a new year but a new decade. This is an excellent time for you to reflect on your life.
A synopsis of reflecting on my life over the last decade looks like this:
> I've Lost - loved ones, relationships, material things
> I've Gained - loved ones, relationships, material things
> I've Released - loved ones, relationships, material things
> I've Decided - regarding loved ones, relationships, material things
> I've BEcome - intentional regarding love, relationships and material things
This is what life is all about... love, relationships and material things.
You create... you learn... you connect... you love... you decide... you release... you choose... you become.
During the past ten years I created baggage as have you. I realized that a lot of what I had packed into these bags had created a weight that became too heavy to carry.
I learned that much of what I packed into my bags didn't even belong to me. A lot of it was other people's shit that I really didn't want. The day when I realized I could unpack and re-pack was a liberating day for me.
I loved others and I've been loved. I learned that not all love is good love and that everything that is broken cannot be fixed.
I decided that I was the most important person in my life and I chose to love and honor myself and not carry the weight and burdens of others because it doesn't serve me.
I released a lot of weight... my own personal weight and the weight that was others.
I BEcame the greatest, most amazing version of myself, learned how to love ME, and BEcame good and content with who I AM.
As you make this turn into a new decade, this is an excellent time for you to shed what no longer makes you happy, supports you, lifts you up or serves your well being...
Shed the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical weight...
Lighten your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical load...
Unpack all of the shit that you are carrying in your body, your emotions, your mind and your soul.
Decide that it's time for you to choose to BEcome ALL that you KNOW in your heart and soul you are destined to BE.
Don't leave this decade the same way that you came into it.
Remember... what you don't change YOU CHOOSE!
Ready to make some different choices but you need some guidance on how to begin to do that?