Dec 5 – Rescues me – Psalm 144:7
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Dec 5 – Rescues me – Psalm 144:7
????David like us cries out to the Lord.?Lord reach down you hand.?Your hand of love, power and healing.
Reach down from where you are to where I am.?I need your help.?My enemies are winning.?I am over
Whelmed.?I do not know if I am going to make it.?Deliver us and rescue us.?Jesus that day in Nazareth
Read about how He came to set the captive free.?He will rescue and save you.?His strong and mighty
Hand will accomplish this.?
????He will rescue, heal and deliver us from the mighty waters.?When situations and circumstances flood
Us and drown us God will come through.?Isaiah said in Is 59:19, that the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Lord will raise up a standard against Him. The Lord will help us, deliver and rescue us.?So when you
Are overcome call to the Lord and He will come and save you.