Dec 21 – Hope in the Lord – Psalm 146:5-6
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Dec 21 – Hope in the Lord – Psalm 146:5-6
Today is the shortest day of the year but what great truths we get from this psalm. The writer says that a person is blessed when they get help from the God of Jacob. Isn’t it interesting that He is known of the God of Jacob. Now you think that God would want to be the God of Israel. Israel was Jacob’s good side but He is known as the God of Jacob. He is the God of our failures, mistakes and struggles. He will be with us when we fall down and fail. He is our help. When we put our hope in the Lord He is there. Remember faith is based in love and hope. Walk by faith and you will experience the love of God that will give you hope.
Next, God is the maker and creator of all things and His promise is to remain faithful forever. That means He will be faithful to you every moment of every day. He will never leave or forsake you. His love and faithfulness will be from the time you rise to the time you sleep and then He will watch over you during the long watches of the night. Amy Grant sings, “Angels watching over us.” You are never alone what a great thought as you go throughout this day.