Dec 17 - Vignettes on Prayer
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Dec 17 - Vignettes on Prayer
????In this series of vignettes we have been looking at the prayer life of Jesus.?Now Jesus also allowed people to view His prayer life in Luke 9:18 we find Jesus praying in private but his disciples were near.?Jesus allowed this because He wanted His disciples to understand the importance and value of prayer.?We can learn so much when we pray with others.?In my early days of the faith I had the joy and privilege to pay with well seasoned people of prayer.?Their example gave me the desire to practice and hone my skills in prayer.?Praying with others can also help you to overcome your fear and shyness about prayer.?It is amazing how many people have told me over the years that they are afraid to pray in public.?Years ago in Hay River, we had a minister named Vivian.?When she first heard me pray she was intimidated.?Yet as she continued week by week to pray with myself and the other pastors she in time became extremely skilled and even surpassed some of us in the practice of prayer.?Prayer is actually a skill to be practiced and honed.?Jesus did this for the benefit of His disciples that when the time came they could lead others in this important practice.