Dec 13 - Vignettes on Prayer
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Dec 13 - Vignettes on Prayer
????Over the next six vignettes we are going to look at the prayer life of Jesus.?He is the example of a perfect prayer life.?It was through prayer Jesus did the will of His Father.?In Mark 1:35, its says , "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."?Jesus got up early in the morning because he knew the importance of uninterrupted prayer.?Many of the great prayer warriors and intercessors have followed Jesus example.?Early morning prayer is a great way to great the day and to invite the Lord into the day.?It is also way to get divine help at the beginning of the day and in that way you have the resources available for what may happen through the day.?At the beginning of the day you are fresh, focused and ready to hear.?Larry Lea said that Jesus went from one place or prayer to the next and in between He did miracles.?A great way to live.??