Dec 12 – I will Think – Psalm 144:5
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Dec 12 – I will Think – Psalm 144:5
David continues his thoughts about how one generation must tell the other generation about the splendor of the majesty of the Lord. We can speak about how the Lord has been good to us. Tell of His provision and faithfulness. We could talk about how He spoke to us through His word. We could speak about how he defies science. We could speak of the majesty of creation.. There are so many things we can share with the next generation. The greatest thing we should share is our testimony. How we got saved and what the Lord has done for us. There is a man who every day in Edmonton where I live stands and testifies of what the Lord has done.
Meanwhile David says he will meditate and think about the Lord’s wonderful works. Meditation is thinking and bringing back to our remembrance all the wonderful things the Lord has done. Irving Berlin in his song called the Blessings Song states that we should every night count our blessings. In the hymn, Count your Blessings a line goes like this, “Count your blessings and it will surprise what the Lord has done.” Thinking on what the Lord has done creates a thankful heart. It gives you an attitude of gratitude.