A debut, a sequel, and a hunt for the worst serial killers...

A debut, a sequel, and a hunt for the worst serial killers...

If you passed DI Tom McHale in the street, you wouldn’t stop long enough to notice anything unusual about him. On the outside, anyway.

After a cursory glance, you might notice that he’s above average height.? Above average build. And with a fashion sense that veered towards the safe and boring.

On the inside, however, all bets are off.

On closer inspection, you might come to the conclusion that his rugged good looks only bear a passing resemblance to the phrase ‘handsome’.

if you dug deeper, you’d discover his passion for jazz, his love of chess, his decades-long health problems…and his hunt for the worst serial killers.

And then there’s his team. They hunt serial killers, too.

They’re a bit unconventional. Okay, maybe a lot.

And then there’s me, with my debut crime fiction A Time for Dying, featuring DI Tom McHale and his team.? Published last year by the wonderful Northodox Press, and available from Northodox, Amazon, and (soon) from Waterstones and all good bookshops.

Anyway, that was then…this is now. And now is the explosive new sequel, published this year and called A House for Monsters. Same publisher. Same team (nearly) and a dangerous new serial killer.

And then there’s the third in the series…you haven’t met that one yet.

Make room on your bookshelf.

This could be the start of a beautiful friendship….


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