Debunking the Myths!

Debunking the Myths!

Its Alcohol Awareness Week, and in amongst everything else, we wanted to just debunk a few of the myths that surround one of the UK’s favourite past times – having a bevy!

Myth No 1 – Alcohol Damage Only Affects Those Who Drink Heavily

Regardless of the amount drunk, alcohol is a poison and even drank in moderation it can be dangerous. From coordination issues and impaired judgement to long term health risks such as cancer, stroke, heart disease and liver cirrhosis, even in moderation the damage done could be irreparable.

Alcohol can also be responsible for the breakdown of relationships with family members and friends because of behaviours exhibited whilst drinking. In essence – the side effects have the potential to impact in every area of your life, no matter how little you drink.

Myth No 2 - Alcohol Helps You Sleep

We have all been there. It’s been a fab night out with your mates, and you roll into the house and crash wherever is most comfortable – often the couch because it seems like way too much of a chore to wander upstairs.

Your head hits a comfy spot, and you go out like a light. So why, when you wake up the next day do you feel so tired?

Your normal sleep cycle involves around three NREM, (non-rapid eye movement), stages and one REM stage. During a good night’s sleep, the body should move through all these stages every 90-120 mins. The NREM will be the dominating stage through the earlier parts of the night with your REM sleep taking over more frequently towards the latter part.

As with anything your body does, each of those stages are essential for you to not only have a rested sleep but to also wake up refreshed. The addition of alcohol to your system will cause these cycles to be disrupted and result in you not getting the right kind of sleep at the time its needed.

Alcohol consumption also tends to aggravate the symptoms people experience that are related to sleep apnoea and snoring, so not only are you not getting any sleep, but anyone you are sleeping with won’t be either!

Myth No 3 – I Can’t Enjoy Myself Without Alcohol

In the UK, an estimated 57% of adults regularly consume alcohol and feel that its difficult to enjoy activities that don’t include it. The thing is, it’s not!

?Exploring something different to your usual and experiencing it fully without being under the influence will change your whole experience and benefit you physically, mentally and emotionally. There are plenty of things that you can do without needing to drink. From yoga to reading to finding a new hobby or rekindling an old one, the possibilities are endless!

Myth No 4 – Drinking Red Wine is Good for You

Sorry about this one. I know!

This is an excuse I have occasionally used but the reality is, although there are certain ingredients in red wine that are believed to be beneficial to your heart, the amount you would need to consume to see those benefits would be crazy and create way more damage throughout the whole of your body.

Drinking, like anything, is all about educating yourself and understanding the risks associated with it so that you can make an informed decision.

The costs to the NHS alone for alcohol related issues are extortionate. At a conservative estimate of approximately £3.5 billion every year, the costs continue to rise and cripple an already struggling health service.

Just think about the changes that could be made if everyone of us either stopped or cut back just a little.

For the NHS, the difference has the potential to be huge, and from a personal point of view, it could be lifechanging. ?

All it takes is you deciding to say no the next time you are offered a drink.



