Debt Restructuring Made Easy
Fred Sussman
Investment Banker / Business Broker - Enhancing the value of your business
Many business owners trying to get ahead are continually plagued by financial issues with employees, cash flow, production, deliveries, inventory, plant & equipment, R & D, service, accounts receivable, creditors, bank loans, environmental problems, workers comp insurance and look to restructure their business as a solution.
“Restructuring a failing company means introducing changes that will make it viable and profitable once again and to implement changes so that it will generate enough free cash flow (FCF) to cover the service of debt and satisfactorily remunerate shareholders,” Forbes Magazine,
Corporate restructuring: Five common pitfalls by Francisco J. Lopez Lubian
It may seem overwhelming to consider what you might need to know to restructure business debt to your advantage, but expert help is available. There are specialists, The Business Restructuring Consultant, also known as a Business Debt Mediation Specialist who will work on the owner’s behalf to restructure debt.
My firm offers a proven proprietary debt restructuring method that over the years has yielded a 95% success rate. And, frequently, when a business is again on solid ground, I can bring in additional capital to help the business grow again.
Business Debts that can be Restructured include:
? Problem Debts
? Disputed Bills
? Credit Cards
? Invoices & Statements
? Lawsuits & Judgments
? Workers Compensation Premium Arrears
? Workers Compensation Mis-classifications
? Delinquent Property or Machinery/Office Equipment rental & leases
? Business Loans or Mortgage or Leases on Business Property
? Any liability overdue by 90 days
? Quick Solution
? Prevent or Stop Lawsuits
My process focuses on keeping business problems from becoming legal problems.
At the end of the day, my objective is for the business to continue, for its employees to keep their jobs, and for the business to keep a relationship with their vendors.
Restructuring isn’t for every business, it’s a hard process, but for those who succeed the payoff is extremely large.
Next Step
Want to know how your company can benefit from restructuring? Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation with me at ? [email protected] ? 314-300-6500. If you’d like a copy of our Free Whitepaper go to