Is debt consolidation or freedom a scam or the real deal?

Is debt consolidation or freedom a scam or the real deal?

which one of these are real and which ones are scams?? please give imput or experiences

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.


Is it true you can qualify for 1st time homebuyer if preiously owning a home?

My husband and I experienced some unforseen misfortune and had to file Bankruptcy in 2001 letting our home go with it. Since then we have rented the same house. We are now wanting to buy another home, since things are much better healthwise and financially. I had heard that if you hadn't owned a home in 3 years that you could qualify for the First Time Homeowners programs. Any truth to this? Thank you in advance."

What exactly gives you bad credit?

If I get fianance charges on my credit card, will that give me bad credit?"

"I think I've been scammed, should I cancel my credit card?

I authorized it over the phone. How can I cancel? They will still charge me the fee

I have bad credit is there somewhere i can get a loan ?

I have a job and would be able to pay the loan back.

What happens if i decide to go for bankruptcy?

well my job just cut us short 20 hrs a week for past 6 months, i tried finding a new job but nothing... What happens if i declare bankruptcy? Can i still pay for my car, and other things just to go away? i am new to this never though i would come to this, but what is bankruptcy, do i have to pay off for it later? thanks everyone"

Does anyone know how I can get an apartment in Queens?

I have checked craigslist every day for almost a month. I even posted an ad that I was looking for one. I went to see many apartments and some places are just horrible. I tried a broker and she promised me she would find me something only for me to get let down lastnight when she said the landlord changed her mind. am a responsible, mature, hard working woman in need of an apartment. At the present time I am in a roomate situation with a friend of mine. She just told me that she needs the room by May 1st because a family member will be coming to live with her. I have very little time to find a place. I work for the city of NY and I can provide proof of income as well as excellent references. I am in need of a one or two bedroom apartment because I have furniture in storage that I would like to take with me. In the past I was in a relationship and when we went our separate ways I was left with many bills that I could not pay so I had to file for bankruptcy. That was back in 2005, so now I am just waiting for it to come off my credit report but I have a few years left to go, however, since then I have paid all of my bills on time and I make sure to keep everything up to date. I just thought I would be honest from the beginning. If you or anyone you know has an apartment in a decent area of Queens that is easily accessible to public transportation please contact me. I work in the BX and need to commute every day for work. I am looking for these areas Briarwood, Forest Hills, Kew Gardens, Woodside, woodhaven, jackson heights, corona, Rego park, astoria, Elmhurst maybe others that I can't think of at the moment I just chose these because i need easy access to public transportation. I appreciate the time you took to read my post and I thank you in advance for your time PLEASE I CAN'T SHARE AN APARTMENT BECAUSE I HAVE TOO MUCH FURNITURE IN STORAGE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE WITH ME....THANKS....."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What is the good reason to tell bank to get personal loan?

I need a 6,000. I said in bank that I need it to buy a flat in different country and after they checked my account they told me that they can give me this but not for the reason I gave them. Why?? What is wrong with that? So what can I say instead then? Oh and what will they need from me, what documents? I'v never tried to get a loan before :)"

Describe what all a bankruptcy lawyer does?

Maybe explain a day in the life of a bankruptcy lawyer. Thank you!

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"On average, how long is an auto loan offer valid?"

Hello, without thinking I applied for an auto loan (through Drivetime) and was approved. However I would not like to buy a car for about 5 months. How long is the offer valid for if my circumstances/income/credit doesn't change? Will I need to reapply and if yes, will the fact that it's a reapplication hurt my chances of being approved? Thanks."

"Hey, I need an auto loan for $2,000, my credit is non existant, NE1 know a loan comp worth lookin into?"

Hey, I need an auto loan for $2,000, my credit is non existant, NE1 know a loan comp worth lookin into?"

My bankruptcy was dismissed without prejudice about a year ago.?

my bankruptcy was dismissed without prejudice about a year ago because my attorney screwed up and told the judge that I was out of the country, so the judge decided to dismiss without prejudice. I of course wanted the bankruptcy to be discharged. Can I file again? and how long after the first time? also I first filed in California, can I file again from New York because that's where I live now? Any help Please? Teebs"

Can i get a loan against my inheritance probate has been granted and the house is up for sale?

Can i get a loan against my inheritance probate has been granted and the house is up for sale?

When filing for bankruptcy..?

if you alrady have accounts that have been charged off by creditors can you include these?

What is the average interest rate for a car after someone files for bankruptcy?

I know interest rates can vary. Starting on a clean slate after bankruptcy, I know interest rates will be through the roof. Does anyone have a ball-park range of interest rates? I am in Michigan if that plays a part."

What will happen to my CIT shares after it files for bankruptcy?

What will happen to my CIT shares after it files for bankruptcy?

How can I get a small personal loan with a past bankruptcy?

How can I get a small personal loan with a past bankruptcy?

Is a 4.5% apr good for a 16k auto loan?

I'm getting a 60 month 16k auto loan at 4.5 %APR. I'm still in my mid 20s and don't have much credit history. Is that a good deal ?

I want to file bankruptcy but my husband dosent ?

Can I file on only my credit cards. We own a house together what will happen with that we dont want to file on the house we want to keep the house I lost my job 7 months ago and am on unemoloyment and can not and have not paid on credit cards in 7 months.



How to get the free credit score or report ? online?

How do i get my free credit score or report online?

"Does shopping"" for the best interest rate on a refinace home loan damage my credit score?"""

Does shopping"" for the best interest rate on a refinace home loan damage my credit score?"""

Do u Know about Payday loans?

Usually how long can u take to pay them back?

Is debt consolidation or freedom a scam or the real deal?

which one of these are real and which ones are scams?? please give imput or experiences

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.

Will a personal loan affect a pre approved mortgage loan?

I wanted a small personal loan of about $1200, will that affect my mortgage loan even if i already qualified for it?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

FHA mortgage loans & limits?

Answers #1 & #2 have already responded to my questions on point, but if others want to respond, please feel free to do so. Don't be misled by GVD's lack of comprehension, though; I'm not looking for rate quotes, I'm clearly not soliciting a loan from anyone on this site, & I'm intelligent enough to have provided the accurate limit information in my question. Thus, you may rely on my facts to provide answers to my questions."

Best goalie and team in NHL '09?

the video game

100k loan with 35k income through countrywide?

I have been pre-qualified for a home loan for 100k from countrywide through fha. I make 35k a year and have a car payment and cc debt that totals close to 500.00 does anyone think I will be able to be approved for the loan? The area is new jersey and the taxes I'm looking at is 2800 tops? I have other sourses of income through my boyfriend but he works under the table currently and is not on the loan. Also would old leases from places that I have rented for 1100 amonth matter in this case. thanks in advanced

What is the best way to find a car repair loan?

My old car has transmission problems, and the mechanic said that it is going to cost several thousand dollars to get it fixed. I don't have that kind of money right now, but I need my car. So, I'll need to get a loan. My credit is not exactly stellar, so I'm afraid that lenders will not give me a loan. I see ads on auto loans sometimes, but I always fear that they are like loan sharks. I need some sound advice on getting a car repair loan so I can make the right choice and not get taken. Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks!"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

A good place to watch sunset or sunrise in Las Vegas?

a good place to watch sunset or sunrise in Las Vegas?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"Why is it when you want a free credit report"" its never free?"""

all i really want is a free credit report, not anything to do with a credit card, if i had one i wouldn't need a credit report."

"Can you pay off a federal student loan, even if it is not included in your chapter 13 bankruptcy?"

Phil-i'm not the one paying it. My husband's grandmother is going to pay it for us. We tried to put the loan in the bankruptcy, but they said it can't be done since it's a federal loan. My guarantor paid the loan and so I now owe them the money. They are telling me that in order for her to make the payment then they need a letter from my attorney giving me permission to pay outside the bankruptcy. The problem I have with that is one, the loan is not in the bankruptcy. Two, I'M not paying anything, she is. My attorney said that paying off that particular loan would be showing creditor preference. That's bullcrap because the loan company is not one of my creditors, as stated before the loan is NOT included in the bankruptcy."

How to negotiate an auto loan modification of my current car loan?

I own a 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe. It has about 90,000 miles on it. It has a blue book value of about $17,000 and a private party value of $14,500. My loan balance is $19,453 and my monthly payment is $510. I'm considering giving up the vehicle ( i don't currently care for my credit right now). However, I would rather get a loan modification of either reducing my payment permanently along with my balance. My interest rate is about 5%, so it's low already. I was able to get a temporary loan mod for 12 months for $350/mo. I have about 6 months before my payment goes back to the $510. Do you think it's possible to reduce the principle balance? or would they rather take the car?"

How can a 16 year old save money?

Im about to get a job.

Neighbor ran away from bankruptcy?

police came and took everything out of their house. and no one is there. is it ok to take some of their items from their home??

"How much is an 80,000 mortgage monthly payment for 30 yrs at 5%? Really?"

I live in Harlingen, Tx (anyone bank financial advisors please answer). I'm looking to buy a house for about 74,600 now correct me if I'm wrong. I'm thinking closing cost and so on it comes out to a total loan about 80000. I've looked online it says a loan for 80000 is about 500 monthly payment but, I spoke only to one mortgage banker and they say the monthly payment is about 765 is the right for 30 yrs. That comes out to a total of more than a quarter million dollars I pay back is that right is that how all lenders work. I'm really confused how does the whole process really work? From beginning to end How much are my payments really going to be. If anyone lives in harlingen, tx or close I really would appreciate an answer because I know it also depends where you live to know the rules. Please be clear on the process is there something I'm missing here. One more thing what's the best way to get a loan mortgage online, real estate agency or bank and what's the difference between the 3? Thank you."

What is the best way to get a 750 credit score?

Currently my credit score is 655. I have 4 cc's and have not gone above half of my credit limit. I always pay at least double my minimum payment. I do have 1 negative thing on there from 2003, it does show it is paid tho. What are ways to get my score better. Right now im right on the brink of the fair category almost in good, but I want excellent credit. How can I do this?"

Whats the best option to help me get out of debt?

I know i shouldnt get my girlfriend an engagement ring and use that money to pay off the dept, but thats something i really want to do , she wants a long engagement anyways and she knows we arent getting married for another year or two or 3 anyway, but we've been together for 6 years and i want her to know i want to be with her forever, i know i can say it but i want to show it. and i work 44 hours a week."

Why is it that they have free credit reports than u go for them and they ask for a credit card ?

Why is it that they have free credit reports than u go for them and they ask for a credit card ?

I was trying to obtain my annual free credit report, as I was nearly about to review the report, my computer shut down. I tried to obtain the report again but it wont let me. Is there any way I can get my report again? If no, are there any reliable sites out there to check my report/score?"

Can my dad direct deposit into my checkings or savings without having a joint account?

He's currently filing for bankruptcy so any account in his name wil be frozen. He needs an account to direct deposit into or he'll have to get a check card and the company says it has a lot of fees. We work at the same company, he just got hired about a week ago."

Need to get a credit report any free sites?

Need to get a credit report any free sites?

Can you buy a house if you have student loans out?

The amount of my loans total = $4,600"

I need information on credit rating?

i have just apply for a loan and was refused, cos my rating is not good enough, how can i get access to what bases was used to measure my credit rating, thanks"

Do I have to file foreclosure if I fail to pay a mortgage?

In Arizona you cant be sued for a deficiency balance...and I only have a first mortgage. Is it necessary to file for bankruptcy?

What is the best way to refinance an auto loan?

We just bought a car today with a high apr, we used the dealer's financing. We have a great credit history however our 'auto' credit score is lower than our overall score. What is the best way to refinance an auto loan? Is there a way for us to repair our auto credit score, if so, how?"

Is debt consolidation or freedom a scam or the real deal?

which one of these are real and which ones are scams?? please give imput or experiences

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.


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