Cutlass (Vought F7U variant)


Flight Debrief, Cessna 172RG VH-JVG, 1.2h, Moorabbin - Tooradin - Moorabbin (5 x Touch and Go's, 1 x Full Stop)

Mentally and spiritually, I needed to go flying.

But also educationally (where it was not reasonably practicable to obtain educational services from the premises where I ordinarily reside). So, I booked a couple of hours in JVG, the trusty 1980 Cessna 172 RG, and worked out where and what I'd do.

Given lockdown restrictions I was only permitted to fly within Moorabbin Airport's training area, a large swathe of land to the southeast of the airport. I needed to complete three takeoffs and landings for currency, and while circuits at Moorabbin would satisfy that, I thought I would go to the more challenging Tooradin Aerodrome, a 15 minute flight away. This would allow me to practice my inbound and outbound domestics, while enjoying some straight and level freedom, and more challenging circuits at an uncontrolled aerodrome.

I was buzzing the day before and after my flight, such was my anticipation and enjoyment at slipping the surly bonds of Earth, and on the only day during the week that offered flyable weather. As usual, I was a little apprehensive before my flight, being mindful of my low currency. But, I had a big block of booked time and was looking forward to getting comfortable in JVG.

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The first test came after completing the daily inspection of my aircraft. It took me fifteen minutes or so to prepare the aircraft for flight and conduct the mandatory preflight inspection. This was my first flight since completing the last of CASA's Commercial Pilot Licence examinations. My last exam, Flight Rules and Air Law, required a working understanding of the Acts, regulations, associated legislative instruments and guidance material that forms the aviation regulatory framework in Australia. As I prepared VH-JVG's cockpit for flight I looked for its Maintenance Release. It was nowhere to be found. But, although I knew it was a necessary document for flight, the Air Law syllabus drummed into me that along with my licence and medical certificate, and the C172RG flight manual, the Maintenance Release is required to be carried during flight (CAR 1988, Regulation 139). I called the owner who realised the document was in their office, and he sent someone out to meet me with it. As he handed over the release he apologised, and I laughed, remarking that I thought it was a good test of my applied Air Law knowledge. He laughed back, and said I'd passed!

Key debrief points:

  • I felt mentally behind the aircraft. Particularly on takeoff and my first two circuits. I last flew in June, and although I prepared I felt non-current. The best thing I found I could do to address this uneasy feeling was to follow the required checks with extra care.
  • I forgot the power adjustment sequence. Power up = RPM then MAP; power down = MAP then RPM. Need an easier way to remember this.
  • Checks were rusty, but safe. Deliberate, by reference, in sequence. Landing gear mindfulness was strong.
  • A positive debrief point - my direct 5 mile final approach into Moorabbin was stable and with appropriate top of descent and glideslope. Following a Seminole turning base made it easier, too.
  • Each circuit at Tooradin improved on the previous. My first felt terrible, with a sloppy and rushed midfield-crosswind rejoin. By the third I was sufficiently 'thinking wind' as the northern wind was throwing out my base turn (applying less angle of bank solved this). My speed and height control continued to improve as well, and I was happy to touch and go on every approach, despite the short and narrow runway challenge that YTDN offers.

Next Flight and Goals

I'm scheduled to fly tomorrow, 11 November, although the weather isn't looking promising for VFR so I may reschedule. VH-JVG is in high demand at the moment as well, relegating me to the fixed gear C172 VH-SUT. I'm in two minds about whether I focus only on flying JVG, or switch as required between the retractable gear and the fixed gear C172. My preference would be to focus on the RG variant, for consistency and its slightly higher airspeed and greater complexity.

My main focus over the next year will be hour and experience building in preparation for the CPL flight examination. So, trying to fly at least once a month, including a couple of overnight and weekend trips away.

From a ratings perspective I'm pursuing the Command Instrument Rating (IREX), starting with the theory exam, and trying to fit in study during a busy end to the year. I am finding it harder to study for IREX than the discrete CPL subjects - partly due to the mindset shift in needing to get back into study mode, but also because IREX has deeper and broader subject matter.

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