Debate, But in a true way.
The clock is ticking, and time is flying by. My vague childhood memories include the era of General Zia-ul-Haq, when my parents used to say that he was the one who imposed martial law. This was when I was in the third or fourth grade. My father used to watch the nine o’clock news, which was barely an hour long, including sports, business, and weather reports. Today, almost three and a half decades later, more than 50 local channels are “producing” breaking news for 12 hours a day.
This article is not to promote any “in our time” mindset. We are in the era of artificial intelligence, where all you have to do is imagine and the results are right in front of you. But surprisingly, our youth are unemployed, and our education system is incapable of imparting even a basic understanding of consciousness, culture, and ethics. Is it all because we live in our “beautiful land”? But when we go abroad, we are forced to follow the rules. In such places, people even ask each other, "Is this the right thing to do?"
We comment on hundreds of baseless and unnecessary news stories every day, respond immediately to some useless post, and waste hours watching pointless videos. We have become regular subscribers to such garbage. The question is, what is really happening to us? Perhaps our "masters" want to keep us uneducated so that we are not aware of the opportunities that exist. We follow the truck lights without thinking and waste our time and opportunities.
On the other hand, our tea stalls stay open till midnight, where a few people gather to talk for hours about world politics, economics, and conspiracies, and end with the question, "Who will pay for the tea and paratha?" May Allah have mercy on us all.
Most of us have no vision, no research, no study, and no information. Nevertheless, we consider it our duty to comment and discuss everything, be it the Quran and Hadith or social issues. Our knowledge is often based on the arguments of unauthentic YouTubers or pointless analysts, and we leave no stone unturned to fully understand our thoughts.
So, the essence of all this talk is that if we have to discuss an issue, research and study are essential first. Consult experts about your opinion to see if it is worth presenting or not. Most importantly, we should be open-minded to learn, be willing to improve our ideas and respect the opinions of others. A healthy debate always starts with respect and self-accountability.
My company has an active discussion and dialogue platform, and if you consider yourself a good thinker and want to contribute something to society, contact me to join this platform. Dare to be the first drop of rain.