Death Reversible - Mortality Escape - CD4+ and CD8+ Conjugate
Professor Laurens Holmes, Jr,
Subpopulation aberrant epigenomics/socio-epigenomics differentials in disease outcome and precision medicine initiative/Author/Research Scientist
This Death Reversible, non-fiction and fiction medical thriller remains very novel based on soluble CD4+ and CD8+ conjugate implication in human death escape, as “reversed mortality”. Sharon, a twelve year old pediatric female patient had been presenting with seizures since seven years of age, and had been treated with valporic acid, an anti-seizure medication that is thought to relief seizures by inhibiting the sodium ions and potentiating the chloride ions, thus inducing hyperpolarization. An Internist who recently saw the patient wanted to find out the underlying cause of the seizures, since seizure, which is the excessive firing of the cortical neurons can occur due to any mass occupying lesion, including brain/central nervous system (CNS) tumor. Neuro-diagnostic test were recommended, mainly computerized tomography scan (CTS), and brain tumor, ependymoma was detected and confirmed. Ependymoma is tumor of the glial cells and are located at the fourth ventricle of the brain, and remains benign but occasionally malignant, indicative of regional and metastasis. The understanding of the molecular sequencing in this malignancy facilitates therapeutics and remission.
The deceased patient body (corpse) at St. Vincent Hospital was to be preserved with formaldehyde at the mortuary, and then transferred to funeral home prior to burial. The Mortician because of mislabeling of chemical substances injected the patient with soluble CD4+/CD8+. The CD4+ is the helper T Cell, while CD8+ is a cytotoxic T cell; and once CD4+ is activated by a processed antigen cell (APC), through macrophage presentation, and in combination with the major histocompatibilty molecule (MHC) class II, results in the amplification of the immune system. Six hours and 35 minutes after the injection with the soluble CD4+/CD8+, patient was found alive at the Pediatric ward. Deceased pediatric patient walked from the mortuary to her bed at the ward. Everyone including the terminally ill children abandoned the ward and fled. The state of chaos and panic besieged the entire hospital. Uncertainty remained the only reality, and the pediatric patient appeared vitalized albeit being in a confused state. The soluble CD4+/CD8+ molecule conjugate, an immune system amplifier may have the potentials to restore life, via cellular activation, maturation and proliferation, hence “Death Reversible”.Ependymoma is the tumor of the glial cells and are located at the fourth ventricle of the brain/CNS such as posterior fossa (worst outcome), supratentorial and spinal cord, and remains benign but occasionally malignant, indicative of regional and metastasis. However prognosis and mortality is worst among children (posterior fossa) compared to adult (supra tentorial/spinal cord) patient due to the pediatric ependymoma site.
The understanding of the molecular sequencing in this malignancy facilitates therapeutics and remission. Sharon, a pediatric female with ependymoma as posterior fossa based on the CT scan, experienced headaches, tiredness, seizures, nausea, weight loss, sleep deprivation and visual impairment. Surgical resections were performed with relapses, then botanical therapy (non-fiction) and Sharon expired, her corpse preserved at the mortuary without formaldehyde, but Soluble CD4+ and CD8+ Conjugate, Death Reversible and Mortality Escape (fiction).
This Medical Thriller, non-fiction and fiction hybrid is quite passionate in understanding cancer of the brain/CNS and the prevention and control measures in the understanding of risk factors, prevention and control among children.. Very fantastic and recommendable is the understanding of human immune system in addressing cancer risk ,complexities, prognosis, and mortality. These CD4+,CD8+, NK cells and immunoglobulins (IgG IgM ) can optimize human health and improve cancer prognosis.
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Death Reversible: Mortality Escape - Soluble CD4 and CD8 Conjugate - Kindle edition by Holmes, Laurens. Professional & Technical Kindle eBooks @