Death Rattle for some Realtors -you won't believe this statistic!

Death Rattle for some Realtors -you won't believe this statistic!

The most shocking statistic about your real estate career..


The Stats

The number of clients who won't remember your name in two years is 4 out of 5.

You must be thinking,

'No, way, I spent time with them. '

'We laughed. We cried. We celebrated. '

'I gave them a magnetic calendar with my picture on it!'

Why Does This Happen?

  • Buying a home is stressful.
  • Their attention is fully absorbed in the process.
  • You were just a means to an end (sorry). Until then, they're in tunnel vision.

I will give you three ways to burn your name into their long-term memory bank.

What You Stand to Gain

80% of your business comes from 20% of your past clients.

Eighty-six percent of clients say they WOULD refer their agent- if they could remember their name!

Imagine an 86% increase in your sales! I'll wait while you calculate that...

(BONUS $$$ figures at the end)


Referrals are your bread and butter. Here are 3-steps you can begin today, to squeeze out every referral possible.

Three Steps Toward that Door

1. Reintroduce yourself- IN PERSON at least one time after they've settled in. Don't wait too long! 30-60 days is ideal.

Bring a small housewarming gift (*with your name and number on it?)

2. Enlist their family and neighbors, who are not under duress, to refresh your client's memory later. !!Bonus: fresh leads!!

  • Introduce yourself before listing.
  • Again before or during an open house.
  • And again after you sell. It takes hearing someone's name 3x to remember it.

3. Send a semi-annual letter/invitation. Include a picture of you, even your family.

  • A personal invite, to a small get-together, is a nice way to stay in their social circle. Who doesn't like a BBQ?

Keep the Referrals Flowing

You've got to up your 'game' to stay memorable rather than become a distant memory.

Subscribe for more tips on Marketing in the Real Estate 'game' Check out Home Settings LLC for reliable help getting those homes ready for listing.

BONUS #'s to Motivate

The average homeowner will purchase 3 homes in their lifetime, at an average cost of $525,000 x 3% = $15,750

$15,750 each x 3 = $47, 250 per client

The current ratio of 8:2 (2 of your clients will refer 8 more) INCREASED by 86% ...

Roughly 32:8! @ $47,250 each?


That's worth a letter and a housewarming gift!

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