Death by PowerPoint
Erika Palmer Mandel
Creative Blinds: Family-Owned and Operated Since 1976. We are here to make your vision come alive and to execute every detail with precision, passion and professionalism.
This is a real thing.
PowerPoint can kill a deal.
I’m not saying I don’t use it for clients- I do. But I have strict parameters around any deliverable I create as a ‘Power Deck.’ Calling it a Power Deck with my clients helps reinforce the necessary requirements to make it work FOR you, not against you.
Here are the Cliffs’ Notes:
- 10 slides or under, with cover page - no exceptions (the minute you whip out a PowerPoint deck, every person in the room is trying to figure out how many slides it is…set the stage that you have a 10-slide deck and DO NOT believe in death by PowerPoint…just to keep their attention)
- Do not hide behind your deck - your words come first, and the slides are there to reinforce key phrases
- Do not put full sentences on a slide
- Best slides have under 50 words and a graphic
- Your template does not need to be fancy…maximize the real estate for a compelling image or infographic instead
For our top 5 tips on presenting Power Decks, get in touch for a free consult.
This article originally appeared on the Leap Intuit website.