Death in our own Time
Death in our own time we who suffered a seamless hopeless state of mind, body, and spirit know only to well that today in our sobriety it would only take one action to spell DEATH in our own time. There is an epidemic of death due to misuse of opiates. There are calls What can we do HOW can we stop it? The Answer to those questions are numerous one would decriminalize the use of some class A drugs such as Heroin and met amphetamine. society would say that would suggest that its ok for people to use such drugs? no in fact it would decrease the amount of illness associated with intravenous drug use, take the user off the streets by opening drug dispensing rooms for registered users where under medical supervision the user would have a clean safe place to use without fear of prosecution where there would be advisable suggestion to those who would seek detox and treatment . Where would you get the drugs to service the user would they bring in there own? would that not legitimize the dealers the people smuggling in the drugs who would still sell to anyone who would want it regardless of age as they have always done. All countries have different laws and each individual country would possibly need to change their laws to suit. I would suggest if a country and some do and are running successful projects use supplies that were confiscated from smugglers dealers etc and only when tested for impurities could be used or going directly to the source of the supply the poppy farmers in Afghanistan or Pakistan or south-east Aisa and buy directly from them for a fair price then it can be refined in labs run by the individual countries health services . The benefits could be a reduction of crimes related to drug use. I would say that enough is enough and a state of harm reduction should develop. Governments and society say it has sympathy for the user and their loved ones who are watching their child mother father son daughter etc commit suicide in real time I really feel that they ie society and Governments are as much at fault in not facing reality and doing something about the epidemic.
Patrick C Reale.