Death in our own time 2
I would carry the message and I will testify the message was carried to me and I knocked it back I was comfortable with my lot society let me THINK I was SCUM and did not deserve to be allowed anything certainly, not life its self so why should I bother no one cared for me or what would happen to me . Today I am Recovered from a hopeless state of mind body and spirit I have a purpose I also have a VOTE when I was in that state of mind-altering delusion to access a roof over my head my main desition was should I pay for the Hostel the emergency Bed and Breakfast or have enough money to drink so sleeping rough was not all that bad I had learned the ropes and knew how to work the system and I was really anonymous . I could eat when I was able to keep it down I wore the uniform of the rough sleeper layered up for all weathers. I put up with when I needed to book a bed in a hostel or that emergency B and B the Rules or to read the bible when asked by those well-meaning religious folk. I became a number a statistic on someone's column of payment or to justify their receipt of payment from the government health service who were partly funding the Hostel. I was marginalized not today I HAVE A VOTE when I was in that state of numbness I felt nothing heard nothing and had no interest or opinion on social affairs NOT TODAY I am liberated and can speak up and say that we as a society are as much at fault for all the road kill because that is what some quarters of society saw me then and still do see others who are in that position today I was a product of what was a factor of what was impeding progress stopping them from making money our social guilt and shame only appears at christmas . When are we going to face up to our social moral responsibility and to say that man or woman is a neighbors CHILD.
Patrick C Reale.