The passage, ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?’ (1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV), reminds us, like the lady who discovered to her pleasant surprise that, her sick father who was restricted by an oxygen mask was able to communicate with the family by humming an old Sunday school song hours before he went home to heaven that, childhood choruses which we learned in our youth can give us comfort and strength in out dying moments. In other words, dragged out of the shadows and held up to the light of the gospel, death loses its sting and becomes a reminder for us to use the time we have wisely. So let the knowledge that: 1) Death hurts, but it is not the end; 2) Once we acknowledge that we are headed toward it, we can stop expending the tremendous energy that it takes to deny our mortality and start living into our eternal destiny here and now; and 3) We can be intentional about investing in the things that God wants to be with Him at the end; teach you, instead of mourning as those who have no hope or do not know how many days they have left, to use every single day to get the truth about who He is and who you are in Him!FG.