Dearest Inner Imposter...
Zach Hoskins
I help growing service-based businesses say goodbye to chaos so they can scale their impact, revenue, and profit—with less stress.
Not sure if anyone else deals with or has dealt with “Imposter Syndrome” - if you do on occasion, like myself, please take a read.
I read this empowering word from John Delony:
“Imposter Syndrome is a psychological state of doubting your own abilities and achievements. It’s not a disease or a diagnosis.
It’s a persistent fear of being “found out,” or that people will “discover” you’re a fraud.
People with Imposter Syndrome have internalized the belief that “they don’t belong” in the company of high achievers. They never feel like they’re measuring up.
You are not a fraud. You do belong. You do measure up.
Just like you need a mirror to see what you ACTUALLY look like, you need PEOPLE in your life to give you an accurate reflection of who you are! Get help and honest feedback from mentors in your life.”
After reading this I realized that it lined up with a prompt I was given in an online course I am taking. The prompt was to practice hearing your inner imposter, but not taking the criticism to heart.
And then write what you will say back to your inner imposter so you can push through on your journey to remarkable work.
Here is my letter.
Dearest Inner Imposter,
You have served your time. I am thankful for the drive that you have instilled in me, the discipline you have caused me to create, and the willingness to keep getting better.
I am good enough and you know that. You have no business being here. I will be putting you on the shelf if I am to ever need you again - good thing is, I don’t believe I will.
If you happen to hop off the shelf and back into my life without me intentionally doing that, we will dance and it will be great, but only for as long as I say.
We get to choose. We get to be intentional.
“You are not a fraud. You do belong. You do measure up.”